The Advocate Newsletter

Welcome to our May newsletter! As spring blooms around us, so does our commitment to protecting and nurturing our community’s children. In this edition, discover exciting updates, upcoming events, and opportunities to join us in our mission. From empowering trainings to engaging fundraisers, there’s plenty to get involved in as we continue to champion the well-being of our youngest members. Thank you for your ongoing support – together, we’re making a difference!

Welcome Back! - In This Issue

  • Celebrating Community Support
  • Medford Food Coop: Positive Change Program
  • Made in Southern Oregon Street Fair
  • Stewards of Children Training
  • Community Health & Wellness Fair
  • Thru Their Eyes: A Tammi Pitzen Blog
  • Caring For Kids: Anyone Can Be A Hero

Celebrating Community Support

Dear Community Members,

As April, Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month, draws to a close, we want to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you who stood alongside us in support of our mission throughout the month. Whether you actively participated in our training events, joined us at the Pear Blossom Festival, or attended our third annual Anyone Can Be A Hero event at the CAC, your unwavering dedication to safeguarding children and families in Jackson County has not gone unnoticed.

We would also like to extend a special thank you to the organizations that joined us in solidarity during the month of April: Community Works, Family Solutions, and the District Attorney’s Office. Your partnership and collaboration are invaluable as we work together to create a safer and more supportive community for all.

As we shift our focus towards the future, we are excited to announce the launch of our annual Caring For Kids Fundraising Campaign. Running from now through June, this campaign provides an opportunity for us to come together as a community and rally behind the Children’s Advocacy Center. Every dollar raised directly contributes to our efforts to improve the lives of children and families in Jackson County, and with your support, we can continue to make a meaningful impact.

Let us not forget, dear friends, that anyone can be a hero. Whether through a donation, volunteer work, or simply spreading awareness about our cause, each and every one of us has the power to change lives and shape a brighter future for our children.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and here’s to making a difference together!

With heartfelt appreciation,

T Hayes,

Community Engagement Director

May Events

We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to support our mission of improving the lives of children and families in Jackson County. Throughout the month of May, the Medford Food Coop will be hosting a fundraiser for the Children’s Advocacy Center as part of their Positive Change program.

The Positive Change program is a wonderful initiative that raises funds for local non-profit organizations dedicated to bettering our community. By simply saying “I’d like to round-up for Positive Change” at checkout, you can make a meaningful contribution to our cause. The Co-op will round up the total of your purchase to the nearest dollar, or you can donate any desired amount. Every donation, no matter how small, adds up to make a significant impact.

Each month, the selected non-profit organization receives 100% of the donated funds, along with an additional mini grant from the Co-op. Furthermore, annually, the Board of Directors selects one Positive Change recipient to receive an additional grant from the Cooperative Community Fund. This generous support from the Medford Food Coop allows us to continue our vital work in the community and further our mission of providing safety and justice for children who have experienced abuse.

We are incredibly grateful to the Medford Food Coop for their dedication to supporting local organizations like ours and for their commitment to making a positive change in our community. We encourage all of our supporters to take part in this fundraiser and help us make a difference in the lives of children and families in Jackson County.


945 S Riverside Ave, Medford, OR 97501


May 1st – May 31st

Stewards of Children Training

Join us for our monthly Protect Our Children Training – absolutely free! In this invaluable session, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to become a guardian for our children’s safety. Learn to recognize your impact, debunk myths surrounding child sexual abuse, and effectively minimize opportunities for harm in various contexts.

Explore strategies to bridge cultural divides and ensure every child receives the protection they deserve. Don’t miss out on this empowering opportunity to make a difference in our community. Register now and be a part of safeguarding our children’s future!


May 15, 2024, 05:30 pm – 08:00 pm


816 W Tenth Street

Medford, OR 97504-9483

City of Central Point Parks & Recreation

Made in Southern Oregon Street Fair

Join us at the Made in Southern Oregon Street Fair in Central Point on Saturday, May 11th, from 9am to 4pm! This vibrant event celebrates the rich culture and creativity of our region, featuring local artisans, delicious food vendors, live music, and family-friendly activities.

Stop by the Children’s Advocacy Center booth to learn more about our mission to protect and support child abuse victims in our community. Discover how you can get involved, make a difference, and help create a safer, brighter future for our children.

We look forward to seeing you there!


May 11, 2024 09:00am – 04:00pm


Pine Street

Central Point, OR 97502

Community Health & Wellness Fair

Join us for the second annual Community Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday. This free event offers something for everyone, including lunch! Explore over 50 health providers, enjoy bounce houses, engaging kids’ activities, and discover a wealth of free health resources and giveaways. From dental health to women’s wellness, there’s something for every member of the family. Don’t miss out on raffle prizes and more surprises! We can’t wait to connect with our community and showcase how each of us can be a hero by supporting one another. See you there!


May 18th, 2024 10 am – 2 pm


Phoenix Elementary School located

215 N Rose St, Phoenix, OR, 97535

Thankful For Teamwork

Today as I sit down to my computer I am struck by how deep I am in this work of child abuse and the “dark” side of our world that I no longer am shocked by what adults do to hurt children.  That is not to say it does not bother me deeply and profoundly.  It does not mean that I do not still shed tears for the children who experience any kind of abuse.  There are days that my heart feels like it is broken in so many places that I wonder how it continues to beat.  But I realized this week when a friend called me distraught that the terrible, darkness that surrounds child sexual abuse had entered her carefully orchestrated life that I am far past the shock I felt more than 30 years ago as I sat in my very first class dealing with the public health issue of child abuse.  In some ways that makes me sad.  Sad that this has become part of what I am half way expecting from humanity.   In some ways it makes me relieved.  I am resilient.  I am able to put aside my own values and judgments and help in some way for children who find their way to the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County looking for hope and healing.  I miss being in the “trenches” on a daily basis.  I miss the daily interactions with the children and families.  But I made a very thought out and very intentional decision more than ten years ago that it was time for me to move into a role that allowed me to provide guidance and support to those doing the actual work in hopes this would allow them to build their resilience and allow them to continue the work and grow their expertise that is so needed in the field of child abuse.   Sometimes I feel like I am hitting my stride in this very important endeavor.  Other times I wonder how in the world I ever thought I could make a dent in the tremendous amounts of secondary trauma and toxic stress that people who do this work accumulate.  I feel like it is the act of balancing these thoughts that allow me to continue hopeful. 

I witness things every day that I would not wish on my worst enemy.  But on the flip side of that I witness things that are amazing that make my heart fill with such pride and gratitude that it propels me forward.  I witness police officers do the very hard job of balancing what laws allow them to do in seeking justice and accountability on behalf of our most vulnerable citizens and what they want to do.  They have to be masters of it all.  Social work.  Law and Order.  Humanity.  Accountability.  I watch case workers every single day struggle with what policy says they can do and what they know needs to be done.  Accessing risk.  Trying to secure safety.  Knowing that they will never hit a balance that will make everyone happy.  And doing this in a climate where public opinion is not always in their favor.  I see prosecutors and assistant attorney generals try to find paths to safety, healing and accountability that are narrowed significantly by rules and laws.  I see forensic interviewers who sit day after day in the small room, listening to horrific and life changing narratives coming out of the mouths of children. Their work always under microscopic scrutiny.  Keeping their face devoid of emotion and reaction so that they don’t influence the outcome of an interview.  Always multitasking… asking the right question in the right way so that it does not allow the child to be lead in any way but staying in the moment so that they can follow the narrative while keeping in mind how their behavior and their interviews will impact legal outcomes. Prioritizing which details need to be fully explored.  I witness medical providers seeing the physical evidence left behind from physical abuse, neglect, and yes sometimes child torture.  Keeping feelings and subjective conclusions out of the very objective focused medical evaluation.  I see advocates working with caregivers who sometimes believe and sometimes do not believe statements of abuse made by their children.  I see them offering everyone acceptance and assistance.  I see them offering hope in the chaos and desperation that is the left after finding out a person you trusted hurt your child.  I see them trying to help usher them from disbelief and denial to empowerment. I see therapists who bear witness to raw, heartbreaking tales of terror that suck the very air out of the room.  I see them help children find their voice, their value and learn how to move forward strong and unshackled from the trauma of their abuse.  I see the people in the background working hard to make sure there is funding, managing risk, and making sure the machine that is the multidisciplinary team and CAC of Jackson County continues to move forward in a well-oiled manner.  ALL of it is awe inspiring.  Many people…..heck most people never have to think about any of this.  Most people rest easy and feel secure in their belief that none of this will ever matter to them.  I hope that you never need the services of the CAC of Jackson County and the Jackson County Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Team.  Just know that if you do, we are here.  Just know that for those children in our community who aren’t that lucky, we are here to help them put the pieces back together.  Not in the same way the pieces fit together before because the abuse is part of their history.  But in a new way that will allow them to heal and move forward in this world feeling worthy and undefined by the abuse they experienced.

Most of the time my blogs have some call to action or draws attention to some particular issue in the child abuse world.  Today it is one of gratitude.  One of awe.  One of praise. I am humbled that I am allowed to be a part of this team of world class professionals. I am thankful that our community has this resource for the children hurting and being hurt in our community.  I am thankful for each case worker, for each law enforcement officer, advocate, forensic interviewer, therapist, prosecutor, assistant attorney general, those who provide administrative assistance, those who make sure the heat works, the parking lot is clear of harmful hazards, CAC board members, CAC Advisory Council, volunteers and every single donor or supporter who makes our work possible.  Together we are changing the world.  Together we are helping children to heal.  Together we are building communities where children are safe and families are strong.

Blog Series:

Thru Their Eyes

Executive Director

Picture of Executive Director Tammi Pitzen
"Be the change you want to see!"

Tammi Pitzen

Caring for Kids is more than just a fundraising campaign – it’s a movement dedicated to protecting and empowering the most vulnerable members of our community. Running from April, during Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month, through June, Caring for Kids raises crucial funds to support the core services provided by the Children’s Advocacy Center.

These funds are the lifeblood of our mission, directly impacting the lives of the children we serve. From forensic interviews to therapy sessions, and medical evaluations to community outreach programs, every dollar raised through Caring for Kids enables us to provide essential support and care to children who have experienced abuse or trauma.

But Caring for Kids is about more than just financial contributions – it’s about rallying together as a community to create lasting change. It’s about raising awareness, sparking conversations, and fostering a culture of compassion and support for those in need.

Join us in this important mission. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and build a brighter, safer future for our community.

Be A Hero, Donate Today!

Your donation to the Caring For Kids campaign directly supports the vital work of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County, enabling us to provide essential services through our five dedicated departments. Whether big or small, each contribution makes a significant impact on the lives of the children we serve. Take it a step further by becoming a peer-to-peer fundraiser for this campaign – click ‘I want to fundraise for this’ and follow the steps. It is through heroes like you that our mission thrives and our community grows stronger.

The Advocate Newsletter

Stay informed, stay engaged! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and be the first to receive updates, stories, and resources dedicated to protecting children and preventing abuse. Join our community in making a difference today. Sign up now to stay connected and help create a safer future for our children.

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Share Our Newsletter!

Join us this May in our ongoing efforts to raise awareness and promote the prevention of child abuse! Help amplify our impact by sharing our May newsletter far and wide. Together, let’s empower our communities with knowledge and resources to protect our children. Share now and be a part of the solution.