Oregon Regional Service Providers are training and technical assistance providers for Oregon’s Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) and Child Abuse Centers (CACs). They are defined in ORS 418.782 (4) and reside within existing CACs.
Professionals in the field of child abuse and neglect are often members of their county’s Multidisciplinary Team. The MDT includes medical providers, child interviewers, law enforcement officers, child welfare case workers, victims’ advocates, counselors, social workers, attorneys, and school staff.
RSPs were created in 1991 when the legislature identified a need for the services listed below to be provided to CACs and MDTs. A slight increase in unitary assessment fines created funding for RSPs beginning in 1997.
The Department of Justice and the Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention (CAMI) Advisory Council identified the following regional services to be provided by RSPs:
Over time, the CAMI Program, the RSPs, and the Oregon Network of Child Abuse Centers (ONCAC) have developed close working relationships. During the 2017-18 grant year, the CAMI Program, the RSPs, and the ONCAC completed a needs survey of the state, and based on the results, agreed to proposed statutory and administrative rule changes, reporting changes, and adjustments to service delivery. Additionally, themes of equal access for all children, standardization of resources and information, and fostering relationships across the state emerged as overarching goals for RSP grant.
As statewide regional training centers, RSPs strive to work collaboratively with one another and the Department of Justice (CAMI Program) to: