Category: Research

  • Are your kids safe at summer camp?

    By Leah Howell

    I have worked at summer camps for most of my career.  I started as a junior camp counselor, and over the course of high school, college, and graduate school found myself drawn to camp program management in the most beautiful of settings.  I completed my graduate thesis at a summer camp, and have never regretted contributing the majority of my time and efforts to concepts of leadership development, environmental conservation, and teamwork during these years.

    As the past Training Coordinator for a sexual abuse prevention program at the CAC, and learning about prevention as well as the prevalence of sexual abuse,  I recognize how inadequate the standard camp measures were in creating a flawlessly safe environment for youth.  As Camp Counselors, Program Directors and Camp Administrators, safety was on our radar – we were keenly aware of the dangerous and overtly suspicious situations involving adults and youth.  However, looking back over the course of many years working and living at camps, I now more fully recognize the potentially compromising environments that exist in a youth camp setting. Consistent and costly changes to the camp’s physical environment, facilities, organizational processes and staff structures would have been needed to totally eliminate potentially harmful situations. I doubt much has changed in camp standards in the last 15 years.

    I do not say all this to scare you, Parents. Camp can be a wonderful enriching experience in a youth’s life. I only say this to communicate how crucial it is for you to get proactively involved to increase the protection of your kids.  I advise this not only as they go away to day camp or sleep away camp, but as they interact with organizations of all kinds.

    Here is some great advice from Dr. Jackie Humans, on how to best prevent, recognize and react to sexual abuse, which can be applied to all organizations that provide care for your child.

    “According to Psychology Today, adolescents account for approximately 50% of all sexual abuse.  Unfortunately, summer camp is an ideal place for abusers; in recent years, sexual abuse has occurred at Christian camps, publicly funded camps, Boy Scout camps, and even the camp run by the school President Obama’s daughters attend.  While no camp is immune from the possibility of sexual abuse, there are five important steps parents can take to prevent their child from becoming a victim of abuse.

    1. Educate about body parts

    When teaching your child the names of body parts, use the proper terms for penis, scrotum, vagina and anus. The use of euphemisms can jeopardize your child’s credibility should they someday need to report abuse. Explain that these parts of their body are very private, and that no one should be touching them there unless that person has a legitimate reason (e.g., a pediatrician or early child care provider).

    Because every child molester asks their victims to keep the abuse between the two of them, teach your child that it’s never okay to keep a secret (unless it has an ‘expiration’ date, such as a surprise party) and that if someone touches their private parts they need to tell you or another adult (many camps forbid cell phones) immediately; and to keep telling until they get help.

    Even if someone just makes them feel uncomfortable or creepy when they’re nearby, they need to report it.

    Make it clear that no matter what another child or adult may tell them, they will never get into trouble for reporting.

    Lastly, move heaven and earth to make sure that no adult is ever allowed to be alone with your child. The only way abusers can do what they do is by having uninterrupted, private access to a child.

    1. Screen the camp

    It is important for parents to know that the camp has policies and procedures in place to minimize the risk of sexual abuse. Parents should ask the following questions:

    Are criminal background checks (including the sex offenders registry) performed on all personnel? How many references does the camp require, and how does the camp check them?

    What training do staff members receive about child sexual abuse?

    How are campers made aware of what to do if they feel unsafe?

    Under what circumstances are staff members allowed to be alone with a camper? (The answer needs to be: NONE!)

    How does the camp monitor behavior of older campers with their younger peers?

    Are at least two adult counselors assigned to sleep in each cabin?

    Who is responsible for enforcing camp rules and regulations?

    1. Recognize potential abusers

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2005 that 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18. The vast majority of abusers (90%) are male, and 71% of the time, the abuser knows the victim.

    Whenever someone seems to be overly interested in your child, beware. Camps routinely forbid their counselors to babysit or spend time with campers outside camp precisely because a counselor who has had the opportunity to develop a close relationship with your child is in a position to have an undue amount of influence. Sexual predators tend to be masters at “grooming” their victims by insinuating themselves into their victim’s life and becoming someone the child likes and trusts.

    What many parents don’t realize is that almost a third of sexually abused children are victimized by an older child. That’s why it’s important to know what the camp’s policies are regarding how much contact is permitted between different age groups and how well supervised the groups are.

    1. Know the warning signs of sexual abuse

    Warning signs of sexual abuse in younger children:

    Trouble walking or sitting

    Precocious awareness of sexual topics

    Seductive behavior

    Unprecedented shyness about getting undressed

    Avoiding a specific individual for no apparent reason

    Sleep disturbances

    Bedwetting or soiling

    Expressing concern about genitalia

    Reluctance to go back to camp

    Warning signs of sexual abuse in older children:

    Unusual interest in or avoidance of sexual topics

    Depression or suicidal thoughts

    Self-isolation/emotional aloofness

    Hostility or aggressive behavior


    Seductive behavior

    Sleep disturbances

    Substance abuse

    Reluctance to go back to camp

    1. Know what to do if you suspect abuse

    Support your child: Research shows that the single most important factor in a child’s doing well after being abused is the steady emotional support of their parents. First and foremost, keep your true feelings hidden and remain calm and collected. It’s the most courageous and kindest thing you can do for your child.

    Explain that abuse is never, ever their fault.  Many times victims of child sexual abuse will wait years or decades before revealing what happened, and even then it’s usually only to their therapist. When asked why they never reported the abuse as a child, patients admit that sometimes the sexual stimulation of their genitalia was pleasurable and they always believed this meant the abuse was partially their own fault. That’s why it’s critically important to explain to a child that the abuse is never, ever their fault, not even a little tiny bit, no matter what.

    Make sure they know you believe them. Some children never report sexual abuse because they fear they won’t be believed, especially when the abuser is known and trusted by the family. Tell your child you believe them; children rarely lie about having been sexually abused. Acting as though you might doubt your child will only compound the psychological damage sustained from having been abused.

    Praise them for sharing.  After your child has finished telling you what happened, praise them for confiding in you and let them know you realize it couldn’t have been easy. Then immediately notify the local authorities or call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453)

    Minimizing the chances of abuse 

    Child molesters are adept at manipulating their victims into believing that the abuse is the child’s fault, that they won’t be believed if it’s reported, and that they or someone they love will get hurt if abuse gets reported. By letting your child know their private parts are off limits to others and that they will never get in trouble for reporting, that it’s never OK for someone to ask them to keep a “forever” secret, and by not allowing any adult to be alone with your child, you’re making your child far less vulnerable to predators who know how to exploit the naivete of children.

    Dr. Jackie Humans is a graduate of the Workplace Bullying Institute, the only organization in the United States that trains individuals how to present anti-bullying programs for bullying in the workplace. She also works with Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS), a nonprofit organization that sends volunteers into schools to present programs about keeping kids safe. She is a well-known speaker and program leader on subjects such as bully prevention, Internet safety, sexual harassment, date rape and child abuse, and the author of 15 Ways to ZAP a Bully!

  • All Adults are KEY to protecting our children from abuse

    All Adults are KEY to protecting our children from abuse

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County


    April is Child Abuse Awareness month.  I want to use this opportunity to talk to you about the unvarnished and raw truth about child abuse. 

    Generally, people do not like to talk about it.  I have been in meetings where we are talking about events for child abuse awareness and people do not want to talk about the non-sugar-coated version of this public health issue. It isn’t because people do not care.  I think it is because it is overwhelming.  I think it is because if you only look at the statistics and not the things you can do to prevent or intervene in abuse…. it is downright depressing.

    Here is the harsh reality….

    • 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.  In an average classroom in the United States there are somewhere between 20 to 30 students.  That means in every classroom there are two to three children who have been sexually abused or who will be sexually abused
    • In our country, between 4 and 5 children every day die from child abuse or neglect.  That seems so high in a country as advanced as ours. 
    • In Jackson County in 2017 (the latest information that has been released) we have 850 confirmed victims of child abuse. 
    • In the state of Oregon in 2017 there were 30 children who died as a result of abuse or neglect.
    • We all want to believe (and I am right there with you all) that child abuse does not happen in our community, in our circle of friends or in our family.  But the statistics tell a different story.  There are reports made.  There are investigations initiated.  AND there are reports found to be true and backed up by evidence.

    Do you read those numbers and feel the same sense of urgency that I do to intervene…. to be a catalyst of change…. to be part of the tipping point? 

    These numbers are not just statistics.  They are children.  Every single number represents a child.

    You may be asking yourself…. what can one person do? I am so glad you asked. 

    We are the key to protection for children.  All of us.  Singularly and in groups.  We.  Together.  We are the solution.

    Here are some things that any of us can do to help prevent child abuse:

    1. You can take a class through the CAC’s Protect Our Children program to learn to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse.
    2. You can support the prevention efforts of your local CAC by donating precious time or financial support to their prevention programs.
    3. You can become a foster parent. While this is not primary prevention…. it certainly helps to break the cycle of abuse if we have good, stable, safe, homes to place children when they cannot remain at home.
    4. You can smile at a stressed-out Mom or Dad who is yelling or not treating a child in a way that is appropriate. And tell them what a beautiful child they have.  Believe it or not, it works.  I have tried this and, on occasion, the situation de-escalates pretty quickly.
    5. You can listen to and treat with respect your own children.
    6. You can talk to your children — both those who were born to you and those who are in your life — about body safety, about consent, and about what “no” means.
    7. You can be present in your child’s life by knowing who is in his/her life and setting rules about who can have access to him/her.
    8. Become a volunteer facilitator for the CAC Protect Our Children program.
    9. Do not be a bystander when you see a child being hurt or mistreated. Make a report.
    10. If a child says that someone is hurting them, respond by making a report, by reassuring them, by believing them, and by thanking them for trusting you.
    11. Get involved with the issue. Volunteer at the CAC.  Volunteer at another child serving agency. 
    12. TALK ABOUT ABUSE. Break the silence.
    13. Stop stigmatizing the issue and the children that are at the heart of the issue. If a child could make it stop…. they would.  The issues lie with the adults and not with the child.
    14. If you see a child that is disruptive and not pleasant to be around, remember that they may just be trying to survive. Offer them kindness instead of judgement.
    15. Be present in your child’s life.

    If you want to get involved by volunteering at the CAC either in our programming, as a facilitator of Protect Our Children or in support of Protect Our Children classes, please contact Danae Crawford, our Volunteer Coordinator at 541-734-5437 Ext. 1013.


    Tammi Pitzen
  • Un futuro brillante

    By Claudia Cervantes, Bilingual Training Coordinator for the Protect Our Children Project

    Recientemente asistí al Encuentro Regional de Coordinadores del Proyecto Protegiendo a Nuestros Niños que tuvo lugar en Eugene. Fue un día completo de inspiración y aprendizaje, y sin duda puedo puedo decir que después de la primera conferencia, yo ya no era la misma persona, ahora era alguien con una nueva esperanza que llenaba mi corazón: Resiliencia. Todos podemos sanar y superar los traumas que vivimos en nuestra niñez y vivir una vida con sentido, con propósito.

    La doctora y terapeuta Amy Stoeber, habló sobre las experiencias adversas en la infancia y como pueden ser tratadas a través de una Educación para la Resiliencia. Todos nacemos con la habilidad de ser resilientes, eso significa que nacemos con la capacidad de superar los traumas vividos en la niñez y enfrentar la vida desarrollando nuestras fortalezas. Y aunque esta es una habilidad nata, también “La resiliencia puede ser enseñada, modelada y mejorada”, dice la doctora.

    A través de nuevas rutinas, el cerebro de los niños y adolescentes se modifica y se construyen nuevas conexiones en la estructura cerebral para desarrollar nuevos comportamientos y habilidades.

    Si los adultos promovemos la habilidad de resiliencia, los niños y adolescentes pueden desarrollar capacidades de competencia social, autonomía, solución de problemas, un sentido de propósito y la creencia en un futuro brillante.

    Pero, ¿Cómo obtener resultados positivos en una educación para la resiliencia? Aquí les comparto algunas ideas de la doctora Amy en la creación de un sistema de apoyo a la hora de promover una educación para mejorar la resiliencia en niños:

    Por parte de los padres:

    • Amor incondicional. Recordar a tu hijo o hija que los amas pase lo que pase y haga lo que haga.
    • Modelar las conductas que se esperan. Hablar con tu hijo o hija  con atención, mirarle a los ojos,  no mentirle, abrazarlos, ser ordenado, respetuoso, amable.

    Por parte de los profesionistas (maestros, terapeutas, otros adultos que ayudan al recibir ayuda profesional)

    • Comunicación en una postura sin juzgar. Los padres y niños deben sentir que las personas de apoyo no están ahí para juzgarlos.
    • Somos un equipo: Las metas que se quieren lograr se establecen en conjunto. A través de un lenguaje que implique un “nosotros”.

    Ideas para pasar tiempo con tus hijos y ayudar a desarrollar Resiliencia. La doctora sugiere pasar 10 minutos al día tres veces a la semana, evitando todas las distracciones como el uso del celular y dejando que tu hijo o hija elija un juego o actividad. Les comparto uno de los juegos propuestos en la conferencia:

    • “Te amo sin importar que…” Yo jugue este juego con mi hija de nueve años  y le pregunte: “¿Me quieres aunque no cocine quesadillas todos los días? Y ella me dijo, si mama, de todos modos te quiero. Y luego ella me pregunto, Y tu ¿me quieres aunque a veces me enoje? Y yo le dije, si, te quiero de todas formas sin importar que.


    Claudia Cervantes
  • What Will Be YOUR One Thing?

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    Have you picked up a paper lately and there not be a story about someone coming out and stepping forward to tell about their abuse history?

    Almost daily there is a breaking news story about a child actor or actress being sexually assaulted or harassed.  Some of it a long time ago.  Some of it not so long ago.  I have watched and read in fascination.

    Has it happened?  Have we reached the tipping point?  Have we reached a time where we have created a safe environment for those who have been abused to tell their story?  Or is it those who have been abused demanding safety for those who come behind them and face the same situations…whether it be on a casting couch, in the locker room or at home?

    I think Taylor Swift started a revolution.  Maybe it is coincidental, but I have said in the past that her actions had the potential to change the world.  Maybe they have.

    There are those who would say that everyone coming forward are in it for the money.  Can we think about this logically for a minute?  ACES, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, tells us that children who experience trauma have a high incidence of substance abuse, eating disorders, suicide, cancer, diabetes, mental health issues, and many other diagnoses that span over their lifetime.  This is research.  This is evidence based.

    Keeping that in mind, let’s look at Corey Haim.  He died young.  He had substance abuse issues throughout his life.  And there was public speculation regarding his sexual abuse as a young person by authority figures in Hollywood.  You could say the same thing regarding Corey Feldman.  Or the Michael Jackson’s accusers–the list is endless.

    Before you discount the validity of any of the people coming forward today with disclosures, educate yourself about what the dynamics of child sexual abuse are.  In the case of those who this happened to as adults, learn about the dynamics of power and control in sexual assault.  Rape is not a crime about sexual pleasure in many cases.  It is about power and control and humiliation.  It is about aggression.

    I am not naive enough to think that every single person who is coming forward and making accusations is telling the complete truth.  But I do know that, statistically speaking, more allegations are true than are not true.

    Why do we work so hard to disprove the accuser and believe the accused?

    I also know that liking someone or admiring someone or idolizing someone does not equal their innocence as an offender.  Who do we think commits these crimes?  They are our friends, our heroes, our family, our bosses, our employees, our ministers, and our teachers…just think about the statistics.  One in ten children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.  70% of all sexual assaults happen to children age 17 and younger.  And 90% to 95% of those abused know their abusers.

    We have some momentum going on at the national level.  How do we keep it going?  How do we get it started on a local level?  How do we continue to create a safe space for child sexual abuse victims to come forward?

    We start by doing one thing.

    Would you join me and do one thing to support an abused child? What will be your one thing?  Will you make a report?  Will you believe a child?  Will you make a donation to support the Children’s Advocacy Center’s efforts to help abused children begin to heal?  Will you volunteer some time at the Children’s Advocacy Center? Will you create a safe space for a child to come forward?

    Will you be courageous and believe them when they do?

    For more information about the CAC’s Do One Thing That Matters campaign and view the full list of things you can do that matter to an abused child, visit:

  • Does child abuse happen in our state? In Jackson County?

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    April is child abuse prevention/awareness month.  This is my traditional April Blog recognizing and focusing on the problem of child abuse.

    I was doing a little research to see what was going on in the world of child abuse.  I found a page on the internet that is nothing but stories of child abuse.  They are all true.  They are all recent.  They are all heartbreaking.

    One tells of a child whose father found out she was having sex and so, as punishment, forced her to become a prostitute at a truck stop.  There are stories of child fatalities; there are stories of parents beating their children.  It is quite disturbing.  It is a true crime website.  I was simply looking for some compelling story to blog about and found a whole site.  All from 2017.

    Some will say that those horrible things do not happen in Oregon.  Those things happen in other countries or other parts of this country. Sadly, this is not accurate.

    There were 964 children abused in Jackson County in 2016.  In the state of Oregon, there were 27 child abuse fatalities.  21 of those were perpetrated by a parent or parent figure.  All 27 of the children who died knew their abuser.  We call it child abuse fatalities, and as awful as that sounds, it does not sound as awful as murder.  We look for words that are softer to describe these heinous acts.

    Child abuse happens in Oregon.  Child abuse happens in Jackson County. 

    The foster parent shortage that has been reported on is not just in other parts of the state.  It is here in our county as well.

    This is not someone else’s problem.  It is ours. The problem has been long established.  What isn’t as clear, is the solution.

    How do we make a meaningful impact?  Where is the catchy child abuse slogan?  You know…like the “War on Drugs” or “No Child Left Behind”.  Where is the rally cry to help keep kids safe from the dangers that lurk within their own homes?

    People who work in the field of child abuse; particularly those who work in prevention, joke about “working themselves out of a job” and “putting the CAC out of business”.  It is a good goal.  But where is the rally cry?  These of course are rhetorical questions.  Unless you have an actual answer.  Then I am all ears!

    There are things that you can do all year long…..long after April has ended. You can:

    • Find an agency that helps to protect children and support them in any way you can. If you can’t donate money, then donate time and talent.  Nonprofit agencies are quite adept at leveraging whatever your gift is, with other gifts, to create the biggest impact.
    • If you suspect abuse, make a report–even if it feels uncomfortable or even if you are unsure. The professionals will figure it out. You don’t have to figure it out.
    • Not sure what abuse looks like? Take a training on recognizing abuse.  The CAC of Jackson County offers several opportunities, either through our Protect Our Children program or through other offerings such as Responding to Allegations of Child Maltreatment offered this May. Register here:
    • Do you see a mom or a dad struggling? Offer to help.
    • Let your legislative representatives know that children and child abuse is a priority for you and you want it to be their priority as well—both at the state and federal level.
    • You can change the conversation from “Why didn’t she tell?” to “Why did he do that?”
    • You can become a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) and learn how to advocate for children in the foster care system. We have hundreds of children on a waiting list right now who need an advocate.
    • You can teach your children, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews, your neighbor’s child — all the children in your life — who is allowed to touch what part of their bodies and under what circumstance.
    • You can tell the adults in your life that your child is off limits by being present, by asking the right questions, and by staying in tuned and attentive to your child. If an offender knows you are watching and vigilant, it makes your child less accessible to them.

    You can STOP saying Not My Child; Not My Problem.



  • How are children faring in Oregon?

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    Today I am sitting in my office listening to the rain and feeling a little sad and a lot overwhelmed.  It’s Sunday and the office is very quiet except for the rain trickling through the rain gutters and the tap of my fingers on the keyboard.

    No, I am not sad because I am working on the weekend or because it is raining.

    I am sad because I just read the 2015 Child Welfare Data Book.

    There is much controversy across the country because there are statistics that have been released in recent years that indicate child abuse is on the decrease. I have watched this discussion and sometimes participated in this discussion over the last few years and I just don’t see this to be true in my every day practice.

    According to the 2015 Child Welfare Data Book, 27 children in Oregon died as a result of child abuse and neglect. 

    In 2014 that number was 13.  In 2013 that number was 10.  27 is a number that describes an amount but does not tell the story.  Behind that 27 are children that died at the hands of another.  21 of those deaths were caused by one or both parents.  20 of those children were under the age of 5.

    I do not know all their stories.  I do not know the heinous circumstance in which they died.  I would not recognize them in a picture if you showed it to me.  But my heart weeps just the same.  Each of those children carried with them potential that was never realized.  Each of those children had dreams that were never dreamt.

    Our community will never be what it could have been if those 27 children lived. 

    But, unfortunately, that is not all of the story.  As I read further, I learned that

    41.5% of the time for the abused and neglected children in Oregon, the perpetrator is their mom.  37% of the time it is their father.  A relative, a live in companion, foster parent, or guardian are the perpetrator 15.5% of the time.

    94% of the time the perpetrator was someone who, by their very role in the child’s life, is supposed to be a protector not an abuser.

    I read further.  In Jackson County our numbers increased as well.  In 2013, there were 707 victims of child abuse in our county.  In 2014 that rose to 801 and in 2015 rose again to 954.

    These are more than numbers.  There were 954 children in our community that were harmed in some way.  Chances are you know one of these 954.  Chances are they go to school with your child or grandchild.  Chances are that your paths crossed with one of these children.  You may have sat next to one at church or at a community event.  You may have seen one riding their bike in your neighborhood.

    Please do not think this is not your business.  It is your business.  It is my business.  These children are our children.

    As I read through the “numbers”, faces of children I have worked with over the years flash in my mind’s eye.  Some of them are ones that I was not happy with the outcomes and, if I am honest, I often wonder what happened after.  What kind of adult are they?  Are they happy?  Did they find peace?

    These are the thoughts that will be running through my brain, stealing sleep from me over the next few weeks.  It happens every year after I read the Data Book.  It’s predictable.  I imagine there are Department of Human Services Supervisors and case workers doing the same.

    Every year when the report is released I wonder what else I can do to keep that number from increasing.  What else can the CAC do?  What else can our community partners do?

    We can’t bury our head in the sand and pretend it isn’t happening.  Jackson County has the 9th highest rate of abuse per 1000 children in the state of Oregon. 

    No one entity and no one person is the answer.  It takes all of us.

    Not sure what you can do?

    Let me suggest a few things:

    • Make a donation to the Children’s Advocacy Center.  We provide fantastic evidence based interventions to the abused children and their non-offending caregivers that we serve. We do not charge the families for these services. The bottom line is; it takes money to provide these services. Donate Now.
    • Become a Children’s Advocacy Center volunteer. Or become a volunteer at The Family Nurturing Center or at CASA.  We all need volunteers.  We need people who can give some time that will help a child.  The Advocacy Center needs some adults who can answer a phone, play a game of checkers, and make a phone call or two…..drink a cup a coffee with a non-offending caregiver or share a gold fish with a child while they are waiting for their appointment. Learn more about volunteering at the CAC or call Ginny at: or 541-734-5437
    • Take a class.  The Children’s Advocacy Center has a prevention program called Protect Our Children that uses Darkness to Light’s curriculum “Stewards of Children” to teach adults to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse.  It is an adult’s responsibility to keep kids safe but how can you do that if you don’t know how to identify it.  Or even better, host a class for your church, your civic organization, your place of employment, your best friends—any group of people you are involved in. Schedule a class for yourself or your group
    • Talk to your legislative representatives about the importance of funding in programs that respond and intervene in child abuse.  Talk to them about the CAC and the work that we do. Find your legislators
    • Become informed.  Attend the Free CAC Community Forum coming up on Nov. 7th regarding keeping kids safe on the internet.

    You Matter.




  • Child Abuse: A greater incident rate than cancer

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of The Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    April is Child Abuse Prevention month.  This is the time of year that we use to spread the word about the social and public health issue that plagues our children.  Many people do not generally think about child abuse unless they work in the field or have had it impact their family.

    In the United States, four children die every day as a result of child abuse or neglect. 

    Some reports say that statistic is low and is actually closer to five a day.  Most reports state that a large number of those dying are under the age of one.  One report states that 79% of the children that die as a result of abuse and neglect are under the age of three. That seems incredible!  It is frightening!  It seems epidemic.

    In 2014, according to the Oregon Child Welfare Data Book, 13 children died as a result of abuse or neglect.  There were 10,010 child abuse victims and 46.4% of those victims were under the age of six. Of incidents of abuse, 44.2% were incidents of neglect, 7.1% physical abuse, 6.3% sexual abuse, 1.5% mental injury and 40 % were considered threat of harm which could be related to domestic violence, drug use, sexual abuse, mental injury, or physical abuse.

    This is not happening in some far off place.  This is happening in Oregon.

    Nationally, reports indicate that somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of perpetrators of abuse are known by the children they abuse. They are people who are considered family or family-like.

    The incidence rate of child abuse and neglect in this country is about ten times as high (40 children per thousand children per year) as the incidence rate for all forms of cancer (3.9 individuals per thousand individuals per year).  This statistic is attributed to The Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence.

    I am also a supporter of cancer research, but when you think about it in terms of our addressing an issue equally in terms of importance; we do not put our money behind child abuse prevention. Not only do we not put our money behind child abuse prevention, we do not put our mouth behind it either.

    While cancer is usually talked about in hushed tones, child abuse is rarely talked about at all. 

    In doing a google search for the top public health issue, child abuse does not even rank in most of the articles I read.  Yet, if we look at the statistics of founded cases on both a national and state level, one can see it is clearly an issue that needs to be addressed.

    Many people do not want to get “involved” in a situation that is considered “family business” by making a report.  Others fear retribution if they make a report.

    Recently, I spoke to a friend who had made report on behalf of a young family member.  It has turned her family upside down.  There has been much anger, fear, and anxiety experienced by all involved—the reporter, the perpetrator, the victim, those who support the perpetrator and those who support the victim.  It is hard when you love both the victim and the perpetrator.

    This friend is a hero of mine.  In spite of all the chaos that ensued after the report was made, she has stood strong.  She made the report.  She protected the children involved.  She has not stopped there.  She is making it her business to protect all children.

    While these statistics make some feel that it is hopeless, it isn’t.  There are some things that we could all do.

    Here is my top ten list in random order:

    • Learn to recognize and respond to the signs of abuse. (Take a Protect Our Children class or host one for a group of your friends.)
    • When you see something that does not seem right, make a report to DHS or law enforcement.
    • Support those who make a disclosure of abuse. This can be as simple as not calling them a liar.
    • Put everyone in your life on notice that you will not tolerate child abuse of any kind.
    • Contact your elected officials on local, state, and national level and tell them keeping children safe from abuse is a priority for you.
    • Vote for candidates that make children a priority.
    • Donate your time, talent or treasure to an organization that works to protect children from abuse.
    • Talk to the children in your life about what abuse is and what they should do if something happens to them. (This should include all kinds of abuse…bullying, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse.)
    • When you see a parent struggling with their children in a public place, offer support instead of judgement.

    If you want to learn more about any of these, to include learning “how” to do these,  contact the Children’s Advocacy Center.  If there is enough interest we will schedule a special class.

    Here is a list of some fun activities you can participate in to let your community know that you will not stand for child abuse:

    *Ongoing: The Change for Children Campaign will be taking place throughout the community.

    This is an exciting collaborative project between, CASA, Children’s Advocacy Center and The Family Nurturing Center.  Look for Change for Children donation jars at: The Butcher Shop, all Lithia car dealerships, Wamba Juice, Central Art Supply, Jackson Creek Pizza, Thai Bistro and Sunrise Cafe.

    *April 16th: Panda Express Fundraiser

    *April 23rd:  Gamble for Good Poker Tournament Fundraiser

    *April 25th:  Protect Our Children Child Abuse Prevention Training

    *April 27th and 28th: Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse Training – Contact Ginny Sagal at: for more information or to register