Category: Community

  • A Late Mother’s Day Salute

    A Late Mother’s Day Salute


    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    I am late with my Mother’s Day blog posting this year. It seems that along with all of you, it is taking me longer to get things done because my brain is filled with all things COVID-19.

    I actually think a day to honor our maternal influences is not enough…we should have at least a week.

    So, with that thought in mind, here is my Mother’s Day blog.

    This year, I believe more than any other year for me, has highlighted the many, many roles our Mothers fill for our children and in this world. For me as a mom, the last two months have proved to be more challenging than when my child was a newborn. In those first few months of his life, I remember being sleep deprived and tired. I remember being scared that I was not doing “it” right. I remember a lot of private tears in the shower.

    Well, in the last two months I have spent a lot of sleepless nights in worry. I have questioned whether I was doing “this” right.

    There have been more tears in the shower as I tried to muster up enough steam to fulfill all the roles that I had shared with my “Mommy Tribe”, his teacher, and my son’s coaches. I have worried about my productivity at work. I have worried about whether I am giving enough to my child, to those I work with, to those in the community that I work with, and to the families and children the Children’s Advocacy Center serves.

    Somewhere in those tears, I decided to give myself some grace. Instead of trying to be perfect, I lowered some expectations. For me the bar was set at “Do no harm”.

    Now I recognize that seems pretty low. But when I set it that low for myself, I actually felt an energy surge. I was able to do more education opportunities for my son than his school was able. I was able to create some memories with my son and my family that I hope will bring smiles for a few years to come. I focused on making sure my son’s mental health was not being compromised by isolation.

    What does all that look like? Well, it looks like camping in the yard. It looks like cool crafts. It looks like giving my child purpose by increasing some of his chores. It looks like hiking or taking long walks through our neighborhood. It looks like a chalk drawing on our front driveway. It looks like baking and cooking together. It looks like watching and discussing movies together to find hidden life lessons. It looks like practicing social skills. It looks like relaxing some of the rules when we can. It looks like creating structure and routine around distance learning for school and chores.

    Most of the moms I know have become teachers, guidance counselors, and coaches in addition to their regular roles of meal-planner, referee, household manager, and nurturer. Some of us have added working from home, dog walker, and home sanitizer. And having to do so in isolation.

    What can we do for ourselves? To keep us moms going? My mommy tribe has upped our text game. We check in on each other. We social distance in the driveway. We social distance in a parking lot. We remind each other to take care of ourselves. We plan for when we can bring our kids and our families back together for our regular gatherings. We give each other grace. We support each other as we all do what is right for our families, with no judgment when someone else does it differently.

    For some families, there is a lot of added stress. For some children, food insecurities become even more prominent in their life as they miss the breakfasts and lunches provided to them at school. For some moms, stress is mounting as they try to figure out how to manage without an income, without knowing what will happen after the “goodwill” brought to us in the form of a stimulus check, mortgage payments put on hold, or rent delayed.

    I am worried about children who were not safe before the pandemic. I am worried about children who have been put in unsafe situations because of the pandemic. I am worried about the Mommas feeling like they are failing at this homeschooling, stay at home, keep their family healthy with little to no resources nightmare that has become our hopefully short-term reality. I also know that, if experience is any indication, we will all come together through this and help those who need our help. If you fall into one of the above-mentioned worries….please ask for help. Jackson County is full of good people who want to do “good” and help you.

    This has been a “Mother’s Day” to remember. What will you remember?

    I hope you remember that it is okay to feel sad. It is okay to need help. I hope you remember to extend yourself some grace as being a Mom is hard, but it is really hard during a pandemic. I hope you remember it is okay to love being home with no outside influences. It is okay to feel whatever you are feeling. I hope that you remember that perfection is not attainable and that your child does not care about “perfect”.

    It is okay to ask for “do-overs” – I do that all the time. Remember that really, at this time, it is okay to use up all of our energy on being okay and making sure our kids are okay. There is no one way to do this parenting in isolation thing. We don’t have a reference for parenting like this.

    We have not been here before.

    Remember your child will not remember this time the same way you might. They may remember this time as the time that you were the family hero keeping everything moving forward with very few resources.

  • Upcoming 2023 Protect Our Children Prevention Trainings


    Stewards of Children

    Stewards of Children is an evidence-informed, award-winning two-hour
    training that teaches adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to
    child sexual abuse. Through interviews with child sexual abuse survivors,
    experts, and treatment providers, Stewards of Children® teaches adults
    practical actions they can take to reduce instances of child sexual abuse
    in their organizations, families, and communities.


    During this training you will learn: 

    • How to prevent child sexual abuse

    •Spot the signs of abuse

    •Act responsibility if you suspect abuse

    •Reduce trauma-based behaviors and much more



    Upcoming Training Date(s): 

    September 2023

    Tuesday, September 12th

    Ashland Family YMCA

    540 YMCA Way, Ashland, OR 97520

    Time: 5:30PM-7:30PM


    Wednesday, September 20th

    Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    816 W. 10th St, Medford, OR 97501

    Time: 5:30PM-7:30PM

    Register Here! 

    October 2023

    Tuesday, October 10th

    Ashland Family YMCA

    540 YMCA Way, Ashland, OR 97520

    Time: 5:30PM-7:30PM


    Wednesday, October 18th

    Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    816 W. 10th St, Medford, OR 97501

    Time: 5:30PM-7:30PM

    Register Here!

    November 2023

    Tuesday, November 14th

    Ashland Family YMCA

    540 YMCA Way

    Ashland, Oregon 97520


    Wednesday, November 15th

    Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    816 W Tenth Street

    Medford, Oregon 97501

    Register Here!

    Trainings will not be held during the month of December 2023, but will resume January 2024. 

    *Trainings will be held in-person

    If you have questions regarding the trainings or would like to request a group training, contact Lacey Elliott at or at 541-734-5437

  • Tips for making it through Covid-19 concerns while your children are at home

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    The Coronavirus has become a pandemic crisis impacting every aspect of our lives.  Parents are being forced into the role of educator as our children are pushed into a home-schooling situation.  To add to that stress, many of us do not know how long we will have a paycheck or a job, as so many industries are having to reduce operations or shut down completely.  We are being asked to limit contact with others. 

    All of this is causing anxieties to rise in both adults and children. 

    Be mindful that your children are looking to you to see if they should be scared. Do not completely ignore what is happening.  Answer your child’s questions in an age appropriate way.  Develop a new routine so that your child can feel safe.  Talk to them about taking the recommended precautions to stay healthy. 

    Additionally, do a daily “worry” check in. 

    With my child it goes something like this, “Let’s check in.  Tell me something you are worried about today?”  or “Are you concerned about anything today?”  It is enlightening what you may find out.  Many days those concerns have nothing to do with what is currently happening and many times it is something that a parent can address easily.  The latter is great.  It gives you a boost in your confidence level as a parent and your child is reassured that things are okay.  Soon, you may find that your child is initiating the daily check in.  “Hey Mom!  Tell me how your day went?  What made you happy today?”  At my house, we change the questions up.  Sometimes worried focused questions, sometimes feelings focused questions and sometimes activity focused questions.

    Here are some ideas for activities that you can do to keep your child engaged and to help with your own self-care during this unsettling time:

    • Read a book aloud. My child’s class has read-aloud time during the school day and it is something he enjoys.  Pick a series and read together for thirty minutes a day.
    • Do an art project together. Draw, make slime, finger paint, color—build with Legos.
    • Write a “book” together. Develop a story line, take turns writing paragraphs, create illustrations.  It can be a true or fantasy.
    • Take a hike. Go someplace and enjoy nature together.
    • Watch a movie or find a series on Netflix or Amazon Prime that is family friendly. Gilligan’s
    • Bake or cook with your child. This helps to develop math, reading and survival skills.
    • Teach your child to clean and disinfect.
    • Play outside…basketball, catch, blow bubbles, hide and seek, take a walk.
    • Play tic tac toe, board games, card games, or make up your own game.

    Structure can help get you through this crisis and as a bonus the “together time activities” will help to strengthen family bonds.


    Image of Tammi Pitzen
    Tammi Pitzen
  • Center Open, but limited to Emergency & Crisis Situations

    Center Open, but limited to Emergency & Crisis Situations


    The Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County will remain open but limited to emergency and crisis related situations.   Our therapy department will be moving to providing services by phone or a HIPPA complaint web based platform.  This week most appointments were cancelled in order to work out a process to move in a way to be able to continue to provide interventions in a safe way.

    We will continue to schedule, on an emergency basis, forensic interviews.  As always these will be scheduled through law enforcement or child protection and we will work those entities to do so in as timely and in accordance to CDC recommendations.  We will be evaluating this daily based on the latest recommendations and what we learn about the spread of COVID 19.  “Emergency Basis” is being defined by law enforcement and child protection protocols and the ability to secure safety of the child needing the interview.

    We are increasing our cleaning of our building wiping down surfaces throughout the day.

    We are going to a smaller staff being on site at any given time.  If the phones ring longer or go to voicemail more frequently please be patient.

    We know that child abuse does not stop for any reason and we are working on being as responsive as we can and still help stop the spread of  COVID 19.

    We will be limiting the number of people in our work spaces.  What that translates to is we are trying very hard not to have more than one family in our building at one time.  NO ONE will be allowed in the building who is currently ill, running a fever or has had flu like symptoms in the last five days.

    We are not accepting donations of any used or gently used items at this time.  We are accepting snacks that are prepackaged by the manufacturer (i.e. goldfish, animal crackers,  etc.)  While we are not serving the usual number of children, we will be very soon have an increase once the CDC recommendations are lifted.

    We are also accepting donations of cleaning supplies such as Clorox, Lysol, or cleaning wipes.  These are in high demand.  We have some supplies right now but like you are uncertain how long this may be a need.  We are not assembling a stockpile of any supplies which means at the rate we are going we will run out.

    Additionally we are accepting gift cards in ten dollar increments to grocery stores in order to help out the families we serve who may not be receiving an income right now or may be facing reduced income or will need help with food even after the immediate concern is lifted.

    At this time all Protect Our Children trainings are cancelled or postponed.  After April 15th we will reevaluate based on the most current recommendations from the Governor and CDC at that time.

    Thank you

    Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

  • Mighty Together on Giving Tuesday


    By Summer Lewis, Internet Marketing Contractor for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    For a long time I was obsessed with wanting to work for this nonprofit in my community called, The Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC). I applied for their various job openings without success — until they needed a contractor to handle their social media and enewsletter work. I got the job and have been doing this work for them for almost ten years! 

    Ten years ago, however, I wasn’t self-aware enough to tie my obsession with working at the CAC to the fact that I was a child abuse survivor myself. Duh! 

    I see now that I yearned to be part of this miraculous place where children are helped daily — in the ways I had NOT been helped when I was a small vulnerable child. For example, the best I could come up with was to eat canned spinach so I could be strong like Popeye the Sailor Man — who I adored. (Not very effective, but I give myself credit for courage and creativity.) 

    For a few years now, I have been part of running a #GivingTuesday fundraising campaign. Giving Tuesday is December 3rd this year and our theme is “We Are Mighty Together. You Matter!”

    I know for a fact, having been there, counting on the power of spinach and Popeye, that kids can’t figure this out on their own. Kids simply can’t stop, prevent or heal child abuse by themselves.

    The only hope they have of being mighty is with the help of the adults in their families and communities. 

    Kids count on adults and the Children’s Advocacy Center counts on the community to help provide for kids. On #GivingTuesday the CAC is raising funds for the the direct services that help protect and heal kids — and support families.

    I encourage you to donate to the Children’s Advocacy Center, as you are able. No amount is too small. Every amount is a vote of confidence, supports kids, and bolsters families with a mighty impact. 

    Kids + Community + Children’s Advocacy Center = #MightyTogetherCAC

    When we All give together, we truly can be mighty together – including the kids!



  • A Thanksgiving Message From Our Executive Director



    Greetings from Tammi Pitzen, CACJC Executive Director

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you on behalf of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County Board, Staff, Advisory Council, and volunteers! 

    As I am rush around today to try to get things wrapped up before the snow comes in and in preparation for a couple of days off for Thanksgiving, I am feeling so thankful for so many things! 

    I am thankful that I have the privilege and honor to work with a team who is incredibly talented, knowledgeable, professional, and compassionate…both on staff and as part of a larger multidisciplinary team.  This work is so hard and so important!  And so hard.  Let’s just acknowledge that.  So very hard. 

    I am so thankful that we have a community who prioritizes children and who is so supportive of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County, our programs and the abused children we serve.  We cannot do this work alone.  It takes a community!  Thank you so much for your time, talent and treasure.

    I am so thankful for our volunteers who do not have to be here but who show up week after week with a smile on their face eager to help in whatever way is needed.  That is really incredible when you think about that!  They don’t get a pay check.  Sometimes staff gets busy and forgets or misses an opportunity to say thank you!  The children are not always pleasant when they are here in a time of crisis.  Sometimes the parents are angry…but the volunteers keep coming and keep giving and continue to be empathetic and compassionate.  I AM SO THANKFUL for ALL of YOU!!

    We could not sustain this important work without all of you! 

    So Thank you!!!  Thank you!!  Thank you!!


    Tammi Pitzen
  • Calling All Grandparents!

    Calling All Grandparents!

    Grandmother Betsy


    By Betsy Lewis, Internet and Social Media Contractor for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    I don’t know about you, but back when I was a parent in the 1980s and ‘90s I didn’t know much about child abuse or how to prevent it.

    I just assumed it wouldn’t happen to my kids – because I wouldn’t let it. But to be honest, if you had asked me how I would not let this happen, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. The only thing I did back then was to tell my kids not to go with strangers – better known as “Stranger Danger.”

    I figured since I was a good parent and we lived in a nice neighborhood in a family-oriented community – that this wouldn’t be a concern. I believed child abuse happened somewhere else.  I sent my kids freely to various summer camps, enrolled them in sports and let them go to their friends’ homes and sleep-overs where I only knew the host families superficially. I grew up this way and my parents did the same thing.

    NOW, as part of the CAC, I am dismayed by how irresponsible this was.

    What I know today is that 1 in 10 kids will be abuse before their 18st birthday and that child sexual abuse happens EVERYWHERE – that it doesn’t matter if you are a good parent, live in a nice neighborhood, have good friends or a close family.  

    Here is what I know now:

    1. 90% of child abuse victims are abused by someone they know.
    2. 60% of abusers are acquaintances — like teachers, neighbors, or community leaders.
    3. 30% of abusers are immediate or extended family.
    4. Only 10% of abusers are STRANGERS to the child.

    Now that I am a grandparent, I want something different for my 9-year-old grandson. I want to do better. I want to make sure he is protected. I want to get it right for him.

    Last year, I invited my 28-year-old daughter (the mother of said 9-year-old grandson) to attend a free PROTECT OUR CHILDREN child abuse prevention training with me. She is a wonderful mom and I am very proud of her, but I wanted her to know and do more about child abuse than I did as her mother. I wanted her to be better informed than I was.

    The two of us set down together at a free training at the Medford library — on behalf of this little boy we both love — learning how to keep him safe. Then we had a nice dinner out and talked about what we had learned. It was truly bonding. (I always tear up when I think or talk about it.)

    Soon after the training, I saw my daughter putting her training into practice by being an “active bystander” and reassuring a friend who had made a report of abuse that she had “done the right thing.”

    She was not only able to know how to protect her child, she was vigilantly caring for other kids around her.   

    Grandparents! We know your adult/parent children are crazy busy — but grab them and take them to a child abuse prevention training with you or babysit for the grand kids while they take a training.

    If you haven’t taken the training yourself, schedule a time to do that. YOU can be an active bystander by learning how to protect your grand kids, knowing the signs of abuse and knowing how to react responsibly if you suspect abuse.

    The fact is that many sexually abused children (possibly your grandchildren) will suffer trauma severe enough to negatively impact their adult lives. They are 3X more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol and 2x more likely to drop out of school.   

    We may be older, but going forward and armed with knowledge of the true threat, we must do better for our grandchildren. As active bystanders, we truly can be a powerful force for good in the lives of the children of our community and future generations.

    You can find out more and sign up for the FREE Protect Our Children training here:


  • Back to School for ALL the Family

    By Ginny Sagal

    September is here and school has started for many kids and teens in our area.

    For some it will be the first time that you will be leaving your child with another adult. For some it might be a new school, new teachers or new sports coach.

    As your children start the new school year learning and exploring — you as the adult can learn too.

    Learn how to protect your child from sexual abuse.

    Learn the Facts

    1 in 10 children are sexually abused before age 18. Over 90% of them know their abuser.

    Minimize Opportunity

    Decrease the risk of abuse by eliminating or reducing isolated one-on-one situations.

    Talk About It

    Have age appropriate, open conversations about our bodies, sex and boundaries.

    Recognize the Signs

    Signs of abuse aren’t always obvious. They are there, but you have to know what to look for.

    React Responsibly

    How you react matters. Understand how to react to risky behavior, boundary violations, or suspicions, and when to make a report. 

    The Protect our Children Program teaches you all of this!

    Take 2 ½ hours of your time to protect the children in your lives. This is a free training given at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County once a month from 5:30 -8pm. Upcoming trainings at the CACJC are offered September 18th and October 16th. You can sign up here:



  • All Adults are KEY to protecting our children from abuse

    All Adults are KEY to protecting our children from abuse

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County


    April is Child Abuse Awareness month.  I want to use this opportunity to talk to you about the unvarnished and raw truth about child abuse. 

    Generally, people do not like to talk about it.  I have been in meetings where we are talking about events for child abuse awareness and people do not want to talk about the non-sugar-coated version of this public health issue. It isn’t because people do not care.  I think it is because it is overwhelming.  I think it is because if you only look at the statistics and not the things you can do to prevent or intervene in abuse…. it is downright depressing.

    Here is the harsh reality….

    • 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.  In an average classroom in the United States there are somewhere between 20 to 30 students.  That means in every classroom there are two to three children who have been sexually abused or who will be sexually abused
    • In our country, between 4 and 5 children every day die from child abuse or neglect.  That seems so high in a country as advanced as ours. 
    • In Jackson County in 2017 (the latest information that has been released) we have 850 confirmed victims of child abuse. 
    • In the state of Oregon in 2017 there were 30 children who died as a result of abuse or neglect.
    • We all want to believe (and I am right there with you all) that child abuse does not happen in our community, in our circle of friends or in our family.  But the statistics tell a different story.  There are reports made.  There are investigations initiated.  AND there are reports found to be true and backed up by evidence.

    Do you read those numbers and feel the same sense of urgency that I do to intervene…. to be a catalyst of change…. to be part of the tipping point? 

    These numbers are not just statistics.  They are children.  Every single number represents a child.

    You may be asking yourself…. what can one person do? I am so glad you asked. 

    We are the key to protection for children.  All of us.  Singularly and in groups.  We.  Together.  We are the solution.

    Here are some things that any of us can do to help prevent child abuse:

    1. You can take a class through the CAC’s Protect Our Children program to learn to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse.
    2. You can support the prevention efforts of your local CAC by donating precious time or financial support to their prevention programs.
    3. You can become a foster parent. While this is not primary prevention…. it certainly helps to break the cycle of abuse if we have good, stable, safe, homes to place children when they cannot remain at home.
    4. You can smile at a stressed-out Mom or Dad who is yelling or not treating a child in a way that is appropriate. And tell them what a beautiful child they have.  Believe it or not, it works.  I have tried this and, on occasion, the situation de-escalates pretty quickly.
    5. You can listen to and treat with respect your own children.
    6. You can talk to your children — both those who were born to you and those who are in your life — about body safety, about consent, and about what “no” means.
    7. You can be present in your child’s life by knowing who is in his/her life and setting rules about who can have access to him/her.
    8. Become a volunteer facilitator for the CAC Protect Our Children program.
    9. Do not be a bystander when you see a child being hurt or mistreated. Make a report.
    10. If a child says that someone is hurting them, respond by making a report, by reassuring them, by believing them, and by thanking them for trusting you.
    11. Get involved with the issue. Volunteer at the CAC.  Volunteer at another child serving agency. 
    12. TALK ABOUT ABUSE. Break the silence.
    13. Stop stigmatizing the issue and the children that are at the heart of the issue. If a child could make it stop…. they would.  The issues lie with the adults and not with the child.
    14. If you see a child that is disruptive and not pleasant to be around, remember that they may just be trying to survive. Offer them kindness instead of judgement.
    15. Be present in your child’s life.

    If you want to get involved by volunteering at the CAC either in our programming, as a facilitator of Protect Our Children or in support of Protect Our Children classes, please contact Danae Crawford, our Volunteer Coordinator at 541-734-5437 Ext. 1013.


    Tammi Pitzen
  • Today. Right Now. I Am Hopeful.

    Today. Right Now. I Am Hopeful.

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    As I sat down to write this blog, I sort of hit a mental block about what I wanted to talk about.  Not something that happens to me frequently.  Ask my husband and he will tell you I am a woman of many words.  I am not speechless often. 

    I feel like this blog has always been a place that was politics free and I want to keep it that way.  So I am trying to choose my words carefully.  There is a lot that is happening in politics and on the national platform in regards to a subject matter that is connected to my life’s work.  Sexual assault.

    Okay.  I put the words out there.

    Let me start by saying what this blog will not be about.  It will not be about whether or not to believe the current accusations that have been displayed at the national level.  There are tons of commentary out there about that.  I doubt there is one original new thought that could be floated out there.  It will not be about whether or not a certain person should be confirmed on the Supreme Court or not.  That matter has been settled.  It will not be about whether my son is at risk for accusations of sexual assault in the future.  It will not be about the Me Too movement or the Him Too Movement.  It will not be about the trauma that has been caused to victims….both those who have disclosed and those who have yet to disclose their abuse….in recent weeks by candor on both sides of the aisle.

    THIS blog is about celebrating a moment in time that many would have laid odds would never happen in our lifetime. 

    THIS blog is about celebrating a shattering of the silence. 

    THIS blog is about letting go of the shame that has enveloped victims of sexual assault since the beginning of time.

    No matter what your political or religious beliefs are, or what your view points or judgements about how a victim should act or report….you have to admit that the discussion of sexual assault and support of victims has never been so open, so public, so impactful, so front and center before. 

    For the first time in my recollection, the discussion has shifted from victims should never talk about it—should not report it — to a discussion about how and when they should report it.  Maybe a more appropriate word is judgement.  BUT my POINT is that WE are talking about it at every level.  We are hashing out what our beliefs and values about the subject of sexual assault are.  WE are talking about what should be acceptable. 

    For a woman who has always been a “glass half full” kind of a girl, this is progress.  I hear many of my friends and read many Facebook posts about how depressed and distressed they are about political agendas and the fate of sexual assault victims and how women are treated. 

    And in the midst of it all, I find myself hopeful.  Yes.  Hopeful. 

    Women and men alike are admitting that, no matter what was decided through the “Women’s Suffrage Movement”, men and women are not treated equally and do not live a life of equality.  Women may be closer to equal pay.  They have fought and earned many rights that were “birth given” to men like the right to vote.  Statistically speaking, women have to work harder, longer, and more consistently for leadership positions in the work force–most of the time.  All of this is old news. 

    But one thing that is now becoming more apparent is how women have to be vigilant about their personal safety.  I doubt my mother ever told my brother to never leave with a girl without a dime, in case he got in trouble and needed to call from a payphone. (I am aware I am very much dating myself here, but let’s go with it.) 

    I would bet that most men do not pay attention to where the lighted parking spots are in relation to the security cameras and the main doors when parking anywhere.  I say most.  There would be some who do. 

    I wonder how many men have practiced how to hold their keys in their hand should they need to use it as a weapon.  I wonder how many men pause when coming out of the Mall to watch their vehicle a bit before heading out to get in.

    I wonder how many men ponder whether or not it is safe to get in the elevator when there is only one other person on it. 

    I won’t belabor this point much more except to say that now I have had, heard about or eavesdropped on many discussions about the differences in how most men and women live their life.  I call that progress. 

    I call that hopeful.

    Never in history has sexual assault been the topic on the national platform for as long, with as much emotion, and with as much detail as it has in recent months. 

    I call that hopeful.

    I cannot recall in my lifetime ever having so many unite in support of victims of sexual assault.  I cannot recall in my lifetime so many people vested in justice before. 

    I call that hopeful.

    We have reached a tipping point.  A saturation of awareness.  Do I feel like we have much more to go?  More progress to be made?  Absolutely.  Do I recognize there is still way too much judgement of how a victim is supposed to act?  Of course.

    But today.  Right now.  I am feeling hopeful.  Hopeful that this is the start of something big.  Hopeful that there will come a point in time where we can agree that there is no shame for the victim of sexual assault.  

    A time when we agree that no matter what you wear….no matter how much you drink… no matter if you stay out past midnight….no matter what anyone does…. none of it is consent unless you both wholeheartedly say yes to sexual contact.  There is no implied consent.  And even if we can’t agree on that….we are at least having discussions about why we disagree in order to better understand what is reality.

    We should all be able to agree that in recent history no one really talked about, did as much research into, reported about, or thought about sexual assault for as long or in as much detail.  

    This moment in time is historic.  It is hopeful.  It is a beginning. 

    Tammi Pitzen