Category: Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics

  • 10 ways to keep children safe from abuse this holiday season


    By Betsy Lewis, Social Media Contractor for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    The holidays are coming, and families and friends will be gathering together to celebrate.

    Unfortunately, the holiday season is also the time of year when all types of child abuse increase.

    And it is those we know, these very family members and friends, who are the ones most likely to abuse our children.

    Here are some startling facts:

    ·        90% of children are abused by someone they know.

    ·        80% of sexual abuse occurs in one child – one adult situations.

    ·        30% of all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by other youth.

    Put these facts together with the hectic holiday season, where adults and children are thrown together, regular schedules are in flux, parents are often stressed and distracted, and you can see why kids are at greater risk this time of year.

    How can you protect your children? Darkness to Light/Stewards of Children, the curriculum we use in our Protect Our Children Trainings, calls it “Minimize Opportunity”

    Here are suggestions for your holiday season that will minimize the opportunities for abuse:

    1.      Choose group situations and have multiple adults supervise children.

    2.      Scan the physical environment for hidden areas and correct dangers.

    3.      Make sure interactions are observed and interrupted.

    4.      Remember older youth should not be in isolated, one-on-one situations with younger children.

    5.      Talk to kids about body boundaries (immediately, frequently and all year long.) Tell them they do not have to give or receive hugs, kisses, or other affection. Tell them to talk to you if anyone crosses their body boundaries. If your child tells you that he doesn’t want to be around a particular person or participate in a particular outing, take her or him seriously.

    6.      Avoid one child – one adult situations. If you do have to leave your child alone with someone, make it “observable and interruptible.” Let the adult know that you could return at any time, that you and your child are educated about child sexual abuse and that you have taught your child to tell you if there are body boundary violations.

    7.      Have a household open door policy – no interior doors are to be shut.

    8.      Make sure all outings, games and activities are observable by you or others.

    9.      Make any interactions with older children observable by multiple adults.

    10.   Be aware of “roughhousing.” Know that tickling, poking the stomach, patting the butt or knees, rubbing shoulders, can all be part of the grooming process.

    This is a hard truth and can be difficult to hear and accept: You cannot trust anyone 100% and no one is exempt, not even the closest, most beloved family members.

    Additionally, be sure to manage your own stress level and drug and alcohol use so you can be alert and aware. Most importantly, go with your instincts. Pay attention and take the necessary steps to correct any dangers if anything bothers you about someone who spends time with your child.

    The best way to keep the holidays a beautiful and magical experience and memory is to take good care of you and yours. You matter!


    Betsy Lewis


  • Calling All Grandparents!

    Calling All Grandparents!

    Grandmother Betsy


    By Betsy Lewis, Internet and Social Media Contractor for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    I don’t know about you, but back when I was a parent in the 1980s and ‘90s I didn’t know much about child abuse or how to prevent it.

    I just assumed it wouldn’t happen to my kids – because I wouldn’t let it. But to be honest, if you had asked me how I would not let this happen, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. The only thing I did back then was to tell my kids not to go with strangers – better known as “Stranger Danger.”

    I figured since I was a good parent and we lived in a nice neighborhood in a family-oriented community – that this wouldn’t be a concern. I believed child abuse happened somewhere else.  I sent my kids freely to various summer camps, enrolled them in sports and let them go to their friends’ homes and sleep-overs where I only knew the host families superficially. I grew up this way and my parents did the same thing.

    NOW, as part of the CAC, I am dismayed by how irresponsible this was.

    What I know today is that 1 in 10 kids will be abuse before their 18st birthday and that child sexual abuse happens EVERYWHERE – that it doesn’t matter if you are a good parent, live in a nice neighborhood, have good friends or a close family.  

    Here is what I know now:

    1. 90% of child abuse victims are abused by someone they know.
    2. 60% of abusers are acquaintances — like teachers, neighbors, or community leaders.
    3. 30% of abusers are immediate or extended family.
    4. Only 10% of abusers are STRANGERS to the child.

    Now that I am a grandparent, I want something different for my 9-year-old grandson. I want to do better. I want to make sure he is protected. I want to get it right for him.

    Last year, I invited my 28-year-old daughter (the mother of said 9-year-old grandson) to attend a free PROTECT OUR CHILDREN child abuse prevention training with me. She is a wonderful mom and I am very proud of her, but I wanted her to know and do more about child abuse than I did as her mother. I wanted her to be better informed than I was.

    The two of us set down together at a free training at the Medford library — on behalf of this little boy we both love — learning how to keep him safe. Then we had a nice dinner out and talked about what we had learned. It was truly bonding. (I always tear up when I think or talk about it.)

    Soon after the training, I saw my daughter putting her training into practice by being an “active bystander” and reassuring a friend who had made a report of abuse that she had “done the right thing.”

    She was not only able to know how to protect her child, she was vigilantly caring for other kids around her.   

    Grandparents! We know your adult/parent children are crazy busy — but grab them and take them to a child abuse prevention training with you or babysit for the grand kids while they take a training.

    If you haven’t taken the training yourself, schedule a time to do that. YOU can be an active bystander by learning how to protect your grand kids, knowing the signs of abuse and knowing how to react responsibly if you suspect abuse.

    The fact is that many sexually abused children (possibly your grandchildren) will suffer trauma severe enough to negatively impact their adult lives. They are 3X more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol and 2x more likely to drop out of school.   

    We may be older, but going forward and armed with knowledge of the true threat, we must do better for our grandchildren. As active bystanders, we truly can be a powerful force for good in the lives of the children of our community and future generations.

    You can find out more and sign up for the FREE Protect Our Children training here:


  • Back to School for ALL the Family

    By Ginny Sagal

    September is here and school has started for many kids and teens in our area.

    For some it will be the first time that you will be leaving your child with another adult. For some it might be a new school, new teachers or new sports coach.

    As your children start the new school year learning and exploring — you as the adult can learn too.

    Learn how to protect your child from sexual abuse.

    Learn the Facts

    1 in 10 children are sexually abused before age 18. Over 90% of them know their abuser.

    Minimize Opportunity

    Decrease the risk of abuse by eliminating or reducing isolated one-on-one situations.

    Talk About It

    Have age appropriate, open conversations about our bodies, sex and boundaries.

    Recognize the Signs

    Signs of abuse aren’t always obvious. They are there, but you have to know what to look for.

    React Responsibly

    How you react matters. Understand how to react to risky behavior, boundary violations, or suspicions, and when to make a report. 

    The Protect our Children Program teaches you all of this!

    Take 2 ½ hours of your time to protect the children in your lives. This is a free training given at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County once a month from 5:30 -8pm. Upcoming trainings at the CACJC are offered September 18th and October 16th. You can sign up here:



  • Are your kids safe at summer camp?

    By Leah Howell

    I have worked at summer camps for most of my career.  I started as a junior camp counselor, and over the course of high school, college, and graduate school found myself drawn to camp program management in the most beautiful of settings.  I completed my graduate thesis at a summer camp, and have never regretted contributing the majority of my time and efforts to concepts of leadership development, environmental conservation, and teamwork during these years.

    As the past Training Coordinator for a sexual abuse prevention program at the CAC, and learning about prevention as well as the prevalence of sexual abuse,  I recognize how inadequate the standard camp measures were in creating a flawlessly safe environment for youth.  As Camp Counselors, Program Directors and Camp Administrators, safety was on our radar – we were keenly aware of the dangerous and overtly suspicious situations involving adults and youth.  However, looking back over the course of many years working and living at camps, I now more fully recognize the potentially compromising environments that exist in a youth camp setting. Consistent and costly changes to the camp’s physical environment, facilities, organizational processes and staff structures would have been needed to totally eliminate potentially harmful situations. I doubt much has changed in camp standards in the last 15 years.

    I do not say all this to scare you, Parents. Camp can be a wonderful enriching experience in a youth’s life. I only say this to communicate how crucial it is for you to get proactively involved to increase the protection of your kids.  I advise this not only as they go away to day camp or sleep away camp, but as they interact with organizations of all kinds.

    Here is some great advice from Dr. Jackie Humans, on how to best prevent, recognize and react to sexual abuse, which can be applied to all organizations that provide care for your child.

    “According to Psychology Today, adolescents account for approximately 50% of all sexual abuse.  Unfortunately, summer camp is an ideal place for abusers; in recent years, sexual abuse has occurred at Christian camps, publicly funded camps, Boy Scout camps, and even the camp run by the school President Obama’s daughters attend.  While no camp is immune from the possibility of sexual abuse, there are five important steps parents can take to prevent their child from becoming a victim of abuse.

    1. Educate about body parts

    When teaching your child the names of body parts, use the proper terms for penis, scrotum, vagina and anus. The use of euphemisms can jeopardize your child’s credibility should they someday need to report abuse. Explain that these parts of their body are very private, and that no one should be touching them there unless that person has a legitimate reason (e.g., a pediatrician or early child care provider).

    Because every child molester asks their victims to keep the abuse between the two of them, teach your child that it’s never okay to keep a secret (unless it has an ‘expiration’ date, such as a surprise party) and that if someone touches their private parts they need to tell you or another adult (many camps forbid cell phones) immediately; and to keep telling until they get help.

    Even if someone just makes them feel uncomfortable or creepy when they’re nearby, they need to report it.

    Make it clear that no matter what another child or adult may tell them, they will never get into trouble for reporting.

    Lastly, move heaven and earth to make sure that no adult is ever allowed to be alone with your child. The only way abusers can do what they do is by having uninterrupted, private access to a child.

    1. Screen the camp

    It is important for parents to know that the camp has policies and procedures in place to minimize the risk of sexual abuse. Parents should ask the following questions:

    Are criminal background checks (including the sex offenders registry) performed on all personnel? How many references does the camp require, and how does the camp check them?

    What training do staff members receive about child sexual abuse?

    How are campers made aware of what to do if they feel unsafe?

    Under what circumstances are staff members allowed to be alone with a camper? (The answer needs to be: NONE!)

    How does the camp monitor behavior of older campers with their younger peers?

    Are at least two adult counselors assigned to sleep in each cabin?

    Who is responsible for enforcing camp rules and regulations?

    1. Recognize potential abusers

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2005 that 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18. The vast majority of abusers (90%) are male, and 71% of the time, the abuser knows the victim.

    Whenever someone seems to be overly interested in your child, beware. Camps routinely forbid their counselors to babysit or spend time with campers outside camp precisely because a counselor who has had the opportunity to develop a close relationship with your child is in a position to have an undue amount of influence. Sexual predators tend to be masters at “grooming” their victims by insinuating themselves into their victim’s life and becoming someone the child likes and trusts.

    What many parents don’t realize is that almost a third of sexually abused children are victimized by an older child. That’s why it’s important to know what the camp’s policies are regarding how much contact is permitted between different age groups and how well supervised the groups are.

    1. Know the warning signs of sexual abuse

    Warning signs of sexual abuse in younger children:

    Trouble walking or sitting

    Precocious awareness of sexual topics

    Seductive behavior

    Unprecedented shyness about getting undressed

    Avoiding a specific individual for no apparent reason

    Sleep disturbances

    Bedwetting or soiling

    Expressing concern about genitalia

    Reluctance to go back to camp

    Warning signs of sexual abuse in older children:

    Unusual interest in or avoidance of sexual topics

    Depression or suicidal thoughts

    Self-isolation/emotional aloofness

    Hostility or aggressive behavior


    Seductive behavior

    Sleep disturbances

    Substance abuse

    Reluctance to go back to camp

    1. Know what to do if you suspect abuse

    Support your child: Research shows that the single most important factor in a child’s doing well after being abused is the steady emotional support of their parents. First and foremost, keep your true feelings hidden and remain calm and collected. It’s the most courageous and kindest thing you can do for your child.

    Explain that abuse is never, ever their fault.  Many times victims of child sexual abuse will wait years or decades before revealing what happened, and even then it’s usually only to their therapist. When asked why they never reported the abuse as a child, patients admit that sometimes the sexual stimulation of their genitalia was pleasurable and they always believed this meant the abuse was partially their own fault. That’s why it’s critically important to explain to a child that the abuse is never, ever their fault, not even a little tiny bit, no matter what.

    Make sure they know you believe them. Some children never report sexual abuse because they fear they won’t be believed, especially when the abuser is known and trusted by the family. Tell your child you believe them; children rarely lie about having been sexually abused. Acting as though you might doubt your child will only compound the psychological damage sustained from having been abused.

    Praise them for sharing.  After your child has finished telling you what happened, praise them for confiding in you and let them know you realize it couldn’t have been easy. Then immediately notify the local authorities or call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453)

    Minimizing the chances of abuse 

    Child molesters are adept at manipulating their victims into believing that the abuse is the child’s fault, that they won’t be believed if it’s reported, and that they or someone they love will get hurt if abuse gets reported. By letting your child know their private parts are off limits to others and that they will never get in trouble for reporting, that it’s never OK for someone to ask them to keep a “forever” secret, and by not allowing any adult to be alone with your child, you’re making your child far less vulnerable to predators who know how to exploit the naivete of children.

    Dr. Jackie Humans is a graduate of the Workplace Bullying Institute, the only organization in the United States that trains individuals how to present anti-bullying programs for bullying in the workplace. She also works with Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS), a nonprofit organization that sends volunteers into schools to present programs about keeping kids safe. She is a well-known speaker and program leader on subjects such as bully prevention, Internet safety, sexual harassment, date rape and child abuse, and the author of 15 Ways to ZAP a Bully!

  • All Adults are KEY to protecting our children from abuse

    All Adults are KEY to protecting our children from abuse

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County


    April is Child Abuse Awareness month.  I want to use this opportunity to talk to you about the unvarnished and raw truth about child abuse. 

    Generally, people do not like to talk about it.  I have been in meetings where we are talking about events for child abuse awareness and people do not want to talk about the non-sugar-coated version of this public health issue. It isn’t because people do not care.  I think it is because it is overwhelming.  I think it is because if you only look at the statistics and not the things you can do to prevent or intervene in abuse…. it is downright depressing.

    Here is the harsh reality….

    • 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.  In an average classroom in the United States there are somewhere between 20 to 30 students.  That means in every classroom there are two to three children who have been sexually abused or who will be sexually abused
    • In our country, between 4 and 5 children every day die from child abuse or neglect.  That seems so high in a country as advanced as ours. 
    • In Jackson County in 2017 (the latest information that has been released) we have 850 confirmed victims of child abuse. 
    • In the state of Oregon in 2017 there were 30 children who died as a result of abuse or neglect.
    • We all want to believe (and I am right there with you all) that child abuse does not happen in our community, in our circle of friends or in our family.  But the statistics tell a different story.  There are reports made.  There are investigations initiated.  AND there are reports found to be true and backed up by evidence.

    Do you read those numbers and feel the same sense of urgency that I do to intervene…. to be a catalyst of change…. to be part of the tipping point? 

    These numbers are not just statistics.  They are children.  Every single number represents a child.

    You may be asking yourself…. what can one person do? I am so glad you asked. 

    We are the key to protection for children.  All of us.  Singularly and in groups.  We.  Together.  We are the solution.

    Here are some things that any of us can do to help prevent child abuse:

    1. You can take a class through the CAC’s Protect Our Children program to learn to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse.
    2. You can support the prevention efforts of your local CAC by donating precious time or financial support to their prevention programs.
    3. You can become a foster parent. While this is not primary prevention…. it certainly helps to break the cycle of abuse if we have good, stable, safe, homes to place children when they cannot remain at home.
    4. You can smile at a stressed-out Mom or Dad who is yelling or not treating a child in a way that is appropriate. And tell them what a beautiful child they have.  Believe it or not, it works.  I have tried this and, on occasion, the situation de-escalates pretty quickly.
    5. You can listen to and treat with respect your own children.
    6. You can talk to your children — both those who were born to you and those who are in your life — about body safety, about consent, and about what “no” means.
    7. You can be present in your child’s life by knowing who is in his/her life and setting rules about who can have access to him/her.
    8. Become a volunteer facilitator for the CAC Protect Our Children program.
    9. Do not be a bystander when you see a child being hurt or mistreated. Make a report.
    10. If a child says that someone is hurting them, respond by making a report, by reassuring them, by believing them, and by thanking them for trusting you.
    11. Get involved with the issue. Volunteer at the CAC.  Volunteer at another child serving agency. 
    12. TALK ABOUT ABUSE. Break the silence.
    13. Stop stigmatizing the issue and the children that are at the heart of the issue. If a child could make it stop…. they would.  The issues lie with the adults and not with the child.
    14. If you see a child that is disruptive and not pleasant to be around, remember that they may just be trying to survive. Offer them kindness instead of judgement.
    15. Be present in your child’s life.

    If you want to get involved by volunteering at the CAC either in our programming, as a facilitator of Protect Our Children or in support of Protect Our Children classes, please contact Danae Crawford, our Volunteer Coordinator at 541-734-5437 Ext. 1013.


    Tammi Pitzen
  • Usted podría ser la única esperanza

    Usted podría ser la única esperanza

    By Claudia Cervantes, Bilingual Program Coordinator for the Protect Our Children Project

    Usted podría ser la única esperanza en la vida de un niño.

    Por cada 10 niños hay uno que es abusado antes de cumplir los 18 años, y usted podría ser su única esperanza si toma el tiempo para leer este artículo. Hay muchos niños que callan el abuso por miedo, por vergüenza o porque no entienden que es lo que está pasando. Pero eso puede cambiar si los adultos que rodeamos a los niños estamos entrenados para protegerlos. En el artículo anterior hable de los dos primeros pasos a tomar en la prevención del abuso sexual infantil, en este artículo comparto los últimos tres pasos:

    PASO 3: Hable abiertamente:

    Tenga una conversación abierta con sus hijos sobre sus cuerpos, su sexualidad y los límites.   

    • El ofensor, normalmente trata de confundir a su víctima, el niño, sobre lo que es correcto e incorrecto. Lo hace sentir avergonzado, culpable o le dice que sus padres se van a enojar. Además, Algunos niños son demasiado pequeños para entender.

    Hablar con nuestros hijos sobre su sexualidad y nombrar las partes de su cuerpo por su nombre, enseñarles que su cuerpo es privado y nadie debe de tocarlo de una forma que se sienta incómoda, es todo ello información poderosa para protegerlos y prepararlos para hablar en caso de que algo les pase..

    PASO 4: Reconozca los síntomas:

    Conozca las señales que podrían presentarse en niños abusados.

    • Moretones, sangrados, erupciones, enrojecimientos en la piel, golpes o costras     especialmente en los genitales.   
    • Infecciones urinarias.   
    • Enfermedades de transmisión sexual.
    • Defecación anormal.   
    • Dolor de estómago crónico, dolores de cabeza o otras dolencias que no tienen explicación médica.

    PASO 5: Actúe responsablemente:

    Comprenda cómo responder a los comportamientos riesgosos y sospechas o reporte el abuso.   

    • Hay 3 razones por las que es necesario reaccionar al abuso sexual:   
    • Un niño nos lo confiesa.   
    • Lo descubrimos por nosotros mismos.   
    • Tenemos razones para sospechar.

    No dude en llamar a los servicios locales de salud, si sospecha de abuso. Recuerde que usted puede salvar a un niño.

    Todos los informes de abuso deben hacerse al DHS o a la policía. NO NOS LLAME PARA INFORMAR SOBRE EL ABUSO DE NIÑOS.

    Departamento de Servicios Humanos (DHS)

    Medford DHS:

    727 Medford Center

    Medford, OR 97504-6772

    (541) 858-3197

    (866) 840-2741

    Para preguntas y respuestas sobre denuncias de abuso y negligencia:…/CHILDREN/CHILD-ABUSE/Pages/CPS.aspx

    Para un entrenamiento Gratuito, visite:


    Claudia Cervantes


  • The 872 abused children in Jackson County are “Our People”


    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    I am sitting in my office this morning blasting music before everyone gets here.  This is not unusual.  I tend to get here before staff and before things get too hectic to plan out my day and to get as much done prior to the busyness of the day starts.

    It is during these precious minutes in the sort of quiet of my morning that I am able to focus on the mission of the CAC.

     I am able to hear the silence of the abused children in our community. 

    The month of April is always a poignant reflection on the work that we do because it is “our” month (Child Abuse Prevention/Awareness and Sexual Assault Awareness Month).   In 2016 there were 872 abused children in our community, according to the latest version of the Child Welfare Data Book.  I find that number astounding. 

    But what bothers me even more are the children that remain silent.  It actually scares me a little. 

    According to some statistics we know that about 30% of child sexual abuse goes undisclosed and unreported. 

    I have been working in this field for 28 years.  I started in my twenties.  My first job was with a rural child protection agency in Louisiana.  I was literally hired before I graduated.  During finals week I drove home for an interview on a Saturday.  I started work the day after my graduation ceremony because I needed to have my diploma in order to begin with the State. 

    I went back and began working in the community where I graduated high school.  The population of the parish seat was under 8,000 and the parish was around 50,000.  These were “my people” as we would say in the South.  I either knew them, knew of them, knew their aunt, their sister, their brother or graduated with their cousin.  Seriously.

    I had no idea what I was walking into.  I had no idea the heartache I would feel when assigned a report that involved someone that I went to high school with.  It was a military town, so mostly I prayed to get a report involving the families on post.

    In retrospect this was the best thing that could have happened to build the best foundation for what turned out to be my life’s work.  I learned some key skills that I am recognizing many in the field have not developed. 

    I learned humility.  I learned compassion.  I learned empathy. I also learned the art of persuasion.  This was sometimes the only tool available to get you off the front porch facing a very angry father, who held a gun in his hand, and to the kitchen table, with a glass of sweet tea in front of you.  Let me clarify. The gun was never pointed at me and, truth be told, this only happened to me once. These people…my people…were those I grew up with.  They were people, in some cases, that were adults that I respected. 

    I can almost pinpoint when I developed these skills.  There was a legislative change in my state and all unfounded reports had to be expunged from all records.  The pay for a caseworker in Louisiana at that time was pretty low.  This was an opportunity to make some overtime, so many of us would come in on the weekends and work on expunging records. 

    During that process, I came across many records of people I went to school with.  When I realized how many of the kids I went to school and church with that were reported as victims of abuse, my childhood played back in my mind in slow motion, in segments.  I could literally remember moments when I was “judging” kids I knew as being lazy because they slept in class or bad because they were always lashing out at people. 

    Those overtime hours were hard.  I spent a lot of time in self-reflection.  I can say that I always tried to be nice to everyone, so I didn’t feel like I had to redeem myself in anyway, but it was a pivotal moment in my life. 

    Since that time, I have had others who were more than classmates, they were/are friends, tell me about their history of abuse.  It reminds me that these children who are abused in our community are not unknown to us.  The 872 abused children in Jackson County are part of us. They are “our people”. 

    As April comes to an end I want to challenge each of you to continue to do something…to do one thing a day, a week, a month, or at least a year to help address child abuse. 

    It is a community problem.  We have to work together.  It is the only way to make a change.  I invite you to call me or to contact us through our website or our Facebook Page if you are unsure what your one thing could be.


  • The Stories the Numbers Do Not Tell

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    As another year comes to an end, I am reflecting on things I could have done better, missed opportunities and what changes I will be committed to in the New Year.  I am also looking back over all the good work that the CAC staff, Board, Volunteers, Advisory Council and friends of the CAC have done in the last 12 months.

    • Year to date we have served 716 children who were abused and 443 of their non-offending caregivers.
    • 148 of these young victims suffered more than one type of abuse.
    • We provided 295 children with more than 2000 therapy services.
    • Our Family Support Team provided over 2500 support and advocacy services.
    • Our Forensic Interviewing Team provided 570 forensic interviews.
    • Our Medical Department provided 171 medical services.
    • Our prevention program taught 561 adults to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse.

    When you look at just the numbers it tells a story.   We together were able to make an impact on 1159 people who have suffered trauma as result of child abuse.  The year isn’t even over.  We will see children right up until the last hours of the year.  Our team provided over 5000 life changing services.

    What the numbers do not tell you is a whole other story. 

    They do not tell you of a young lady who sought and received confidential advocacy through our co-located Community Works advocate.  They do not tell you of the mom that received comfort and support when her world began to crumble around her as her child disclosed sexual abuse by his dad.  They do not tell you of the young children who witnessed horrific violent abuse of one parent by another who found safety as a result of their visit to our Intake Department.  They do not tell you about the youth who found relief as her CAC Medical Provider told her that her body was fine and assured her she did not have a sexually transmitted infection.  No, the numbers only tell part of the story.

    Nationally there is a debate as to whether child abuse numbers are decreasing. 

    We are not seeing that at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County.  I cannot explain why that is.  I have theories but that is all they are; not based in science or fact.  I do know that we continue to have much work to do.  I do know there are many children in our community that continue to seek safety.

    I read the news.  I watch the news every day.  It gets to be pretty depressing.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not read some tragic story of a child who have been chronically neglected.  I read a story yesterday of two children whose mother left them home locked in a room while she traveled.  She had an adult friend check in on them and feed them once a day.  Toddlers.

    It is heart breaking.  I reflect on that as my stress mounts in providing my son the best Christmas ever.  I reflect how many of our community partners are striving to provide the best holidays for the children we serve by providing giving trees and gifts for those young abuse victims we see every day at the CAC.  This time of year always pulls at my heart strings.  Children should go to bed with images of sugar plums parading through their dreams, not with images of someone they love doing something unimaginable.

    What can you do as one person in the universe? 

    • You can take our free Protect Our Children Child Abuse Prevention Training.  It is free.  Call the CAC or sign up here:  It will be some of the most beneficial hours you spend all year.
    • You can provide financial support to one or all of our service programs.  We are good stewards of your donations and make them work to impact the most children possible. Donate Here
    • You can volunteer at the CAC.  We are in need of volunteers in all departments. More Information Here
    • You can make a report when you see something that makes you suspicious a child is being neglected or abused.  You CAN make a difference. More About Making a Report Here

    You only need to choose how you will do it.

  • One Thing You Can Do That Matters

    One Thing You Can Do That Matters

    By Ginny Sagal, Communication & Outreach Coordinator for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    You can’t read a newspaper or turn on a television without hearing about child sexual abuse.

    Do not feel helpless.

    There is one thing you can do that matters in addressing child sexual abuse.  You can take a child abuse prevention training through the Children’s Advocacy Center Protect Our Children Project.  

    When I read and hear these horrible stories, I think how wonderful it would be if all parents and caregivers knew how to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse.

    The Protect Our Children training guides you through 5 steps to protecting children from sexual abuse.

    The 5 Steps are:

    1. Learn the Facts: 1 in 10 children are sexually abused before the age of 18. Over 90% of them know their abuser. There is no more of this stranger danger thing. We need to go beyond that.
    2. Minimize the Opportunity: Decrease the risk of abuse by eliminating one on one situations.
    3. Talk About It: Have age appropriate, open conversations about our bodies, sex and boundaries. I think of the gymnast kids who were abused by their doctor or coach that the families had trusted.
    4. Recognize the signs: Why is this person giving gifts to my child? Why is this person always with the kids when he or she should be with the adults when we are at a party?
    5. React Responsibly: How you reacts matters. Go with your gut feeling!

    The Protect Our Children Project uses the Stewards of Children curriculum, developed by Darkness to Light.

    We believe that when adults take the class they recognized that it is all our responsibility to protect children.

    We believe that adults who take the class decrease the risk of the children in their life being sexually abused.

    The fact is that 99% of participants who take the training would recommend this training to a friend, family member or co-worker. (Study done by the University of Oregon Center for Prevention of Abuse and Neglect.)

    The Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County has partnered with The Ford Family Foundation to offer this training to anyone in Jackson County for FREE.

    Just think, in 2 to 3 short hours you can decrease the risk that a child in your life will be sexually abused. THAT IS BIG!!!

    Do one thing that Matters for the kids and teens in your life. Take a Protect our Children training.

    To register for a training for yourself or your group, business or organization go to:  or call Leah Howell, Protect Our Children Training Coordinator, at 541-734-5437 ext. 1013

    Ginny Sagal
  • What Will Be YOUR One Thing?

    By Tammi Pitzen, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

    Have you picked up a paper lately and there not be a story about someone coming out and stepping forward to tell about their abuse history?

    Almost daily there is a breaking news story about a child actor or actress being sexually assaulted or harassed.  Some of it a long time ago.  Some of it not so long ago.  I have watched and read in fascination.

    Has it happened?  Have we reached the tipping point?  Have we reached a time where we have created a safe environment for those who have been abused to tell their story?  Or is it those who have been abused demanding safety for those who come behind them and face the same situations…whether it be on a casting couch, in the locker room or at home?

    I think Taylor Swift started a revolution.  Maybe it is coincidental, but I have said in the past that her actions had the potential to change the world.  Maybe they have.

    There are those who would say that everyone coming forward are in it for the money.  Can we think about this logically for a minute?  ACES, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, tells us that children who experience trauma have a high incidence of substance abuse, eating disorders, suicide, cancer, diabetes, mental health issues, and many other diagnoses that span over their lifetime.  This is research.  This is evidence based.

    Keeping that in mind, let’s look at Corey Haim.  He died young.  He had substance abuse issues throughout his life.  And there was public speculation regarding his sexual abuse as a young person by authority figures in Hollywood.  You could say the same thing regarding Corey Feldman.  Or the Michael Jackson’s accusers–the list is endless.

    Before you discount the validity of any of the people coming forward today with disclosures, educate yourself about what the dynamics of child sexual abuse are.  In the case of those who this happened to as adults, learn about the dynamics of power and control in sexual assault.  Rape is not a crime about sexual pleasure in many cases.  It is about power and control and humiliation.  It is about aggression.

    I am not naive enough to think that every single person who is coming forward and making accusations is telling the complete truth.  But I do know that, statistically speaking, more allegations are true than are not true.

    Why do we work so hard to disprove the accuser and believe the accused?

    I also know that liking someone or admiring someone or idolizing someone does not equal their innocence as an offender.  Who do we think commits these crimes?  They are our friends, our heroes, our family, our bosses, our employees, our ministers, and our teachers…just think about the statistics.  One in ten children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.  70% of all sexual assaults happen to children age 17 and younger.  And 90% to 95% of those abused know their abusers.

    We have some momentum going on at the national level.  How do we keep it going?  How do we get it started on a local level?  How do we continue to create a safe space for child sexual abuse victims to come forward?

    We start by doing one thing.

    Would you join me and do one thing to support an abused child? What will be your one thing?  Will you make a report?  Will you believe a child?  Will you make a donation to support the Children’s Advocacy Center’s efforts to help abused children begin to heal?  Will you volunteer some time at the Children’s Advocacy Center? Will you create a safe space for a child to come forward?

    Will you be courageous and believe them when they do?

    For more information about the CAC’s Do One Thing That Matters campaign and view the full list of things you can do that matter to an abused child, visit: