
Giving your time and energy is one of the most profound gifts someone can make. We need people with a passion for our mission to join the CAC team and volunteer! Learn More

Sponsor an Event

Each year we host many fundraising and awareness events that need community support to succeed. Our Winter Gala and Summer Luncheon are our two largest fundraisers. Then in April we have our Child Abuse Awareness events, and in May we host the Child Maltreatment Symposium where we have experts train professionals in the child abuse field on important practices to recognize and treat child abuse. These are just a few examples of chances to become an event sponsor and every year we strive to create more events that promote awareness and prevention of child abuse. Learn More

Join Our Business Alliance

This is a group of dedicated businesses in our community that wish to be a support that our Center can count on. Each year they have an opportunity to become a member and secure recognition on our website, social media, a table at our luncheon, and know that they are allies against child abuse in our community. Learn More

Legacy Society

A planned gift to the Children’s Advoacy Center of Jackson County can come in many different forms, depending on the needs and desires of the donor. Many options for a planned gift allow the donor to help provide for the future of Jackson County abused children-while offering tax advantages and not impacting current income from the donor.

Some of the common ways to leave a planned gift include the following: 

  • Adding the Children’s Advocacy Center as a beneficiary in your will or living trust. 
  • Naming the Children’s Advocacy Center as a beneficiary of a life insurance or retirement savings. 
  • Transferring appreciated stocks and other securities to the Children’s Advocacy Center. 
  • Making a gift of real estate to the Children’s Advocacy Center. 
  • You may also become a member of the Children’s Advocacy Center Legacy Society by making a tax-deductible current gift of $1,000 or more to the center earmarked for the Legacy Society. 

Give In-Kind

An in-kind donation is the giving of goods or services to support the abused children of Jackson County. Whether that is new or gently used clothing for children in need, office supplies, or a businesses generous gift of their services, The Children’s Advocacy Center cannot thank you enough for your in-kind donation. 

Donate Today!

Donations from our community are how our Non-Profit exists. We never charge our clients for any of our services, and the need for our center grows everyday. Please consider donating to The Children’s Advocacy Center as a way to give back to your community.