Southern Oregon Regional Center

In 1997, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 273 to develop a statewide system of regional assessment centers to assure that every suspected child abuse victim in the state has access to a complete medical assessment. The three Counties we serve: Jackson, Josephine, & Douglas

Services We Provide To The Southern Oregon Region


  • Training and technical assistance for medical personnel for child abuse examinations.
  • Education on medical aspects of child abuse.
  • Medical case consultation
  • Peer review of Medical exam findings.
  • Expert Witness testimony and training for prosecution of child abuse cases.

Technical Assistance:

  • Advocacy Center development and program management.
  • Community education on child abuse issues.
  • Community partnering to combat child abuse.
  • Client tracking and statistical collections.
  • Development of on-site therapy programs and support groups for victims and families.
  • Development of prevention programs

Interviewing And Investigation:

  • Specialized training for law enforcement and protective service.
  • Case consultation and interview review.
  • Court testimony and interviewer court preparation.
  • Support of Multidisciplinary Teams to staff child abuse cases.
  • Law enforcement and DHS caseworker interactive peer review of child abuse interviews.
  • Development of specialized protocols for child abuse cases.
  • Jackson County’s response to Karly’s Law implementation.
  • Specialized training involving High Tech Crimes unit, photo documentation.
  • Interview assistance with complex cases
  • Education and training on Child Forensic Interviews.

Specialized Trainings:

Please note: The trainings listed below are specialized and intended for those working in the field of Child Maltreatment.

Ongoing: “Medical Peer Review”

Location: Children’s Advocacy Center or at your own computer
When: We participate in the Medical Peer Review that is facilitated by the Midwest Children’s Advocacy Center and welcome other Medical providers to join us in this process.

Ongoing: “Peer Review”

Location: Children’s Advocacy Center
When: Every Thursday 7:00 am-8:00 am.
Open to LEA and DHS field workers doing abuse interviews. Must currently be involved with investigations and interviews. Other Counties are encouraged and welcome to attend.

“Regional Peer Review”

Location: Children’s Advocacy Center
Consultation and review for LEA and DHS field workers doing abuse interviews. Must currently be doing interviews and investigations.

“Forensic Interviewing”

The Oregon Network of Child Abuse Intervention Centers and the Department of Justice in partnership with the Regional Training Centers are now providing Oregon Forensic Interviewing Guidelines training as a standardized training. Our training staff provides training that will complement and enhance the skills learned in the OCFIT training provided to all forensic interviewers in Oregon. These trainings can be customized depending on your team’s needs.
Some of these training topics include but are not limited to the following:
1) Child Development
2) Interviewing a child with special needs
3) Issues with memory
4) interviewing very young children
5) Considerations for secondary interviews.