A program to prevent child sexual abuse

The Ford Family Foundation is partnering with the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County to prevent child sexual abuse. Protect Our Children uses a nationally acclaimed training curriculum: Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children. The training is designed to educate adults on how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The training is offered to organizations and individuals at minimal or no cost.

What is child sexual abuse?

FACT: The definition of child sexual abuse is broader than most people realize.

Often a traumatic experience for children and teens, child sexual abuse is a criminal offense punishable by law in many societies.

Child sexual abuse includes:

  • any sexual act between an adult and a minor, or between two minors, when one exerts power over the other.
  • forcing, coercing or persuading a child to engage in any type of sexual act.
  • non-contact acts such as exhibitionism, exposure to pornography, voyeurism, and communicating in a sexual manner by phone or Internet.

What is the magnitude of the problem?

FACT: Child sexual abuse is far more prevalent than most people realize.

  • Child sexual abuse is likely the most prevalent health problem children face with the most serious array of consequences.
  • About one in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday
  • About one in seven girls and one in 25 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18
  • This year, there will be about 400,000 babies born in the U.S. that will become victims of child sexual abuse unless we do something to stop it.

Hosting a Facilitator Workshop

Available in English and Spanish, Stewards of Children is an evidence-informed program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. It is designed for both youth serving organization and for individuals concerned about the safety of children.

Stewards of Children is led by a Darkness to Light Authorized Facilitator. Engaging and thought provoking, group led sessions include:

  • A two-part DVD presentation with commentary from sexual abuse survivors, experts in the field and concerned adults.
  • Facilitator-led discussion emphasizes important issues in prevention within the community and organizations that serve children.
  • An interactive workbook facilitates discussion, reinforces key concepts, and serves as a resource and personal action plan for resolving child sexual abuse.

A Facilitator-led discussion emphasizes important issues in prevention within the community and organizations that serve children. A Facilitator-led discussion emphasizes important issues in prevention within the community and organizations that serve children.

“When I signed up for this seminar, I really had no idea what to expect. I figured that it would be a challenging day for me, emotionally, because child sexual abuse is usually difficult to talk about. I was actually enlightened and inspired.”
– Southern Oregon University Student

It’s easy to tell you that Stewards of Children® is an evidence-informed prevention solution that increases knowledge, improves attitudes, and changes child protective behaviors. That it offers practical prevention training with a conversational, real-world approach.

This is all true, but it doesn’t really tell you why: why Stewards of Children is different from other training programs; why it applies to you; why you will leave the training with the desire and ability to make change happen.

Why is this program different?

Stewards of Children uses real people and real stories to show you how to protect children.

You’ll meet survivors who lived through child sexual abuse, experienced its immediate and long-term effects, and ultimately were able to find healing. You’ll meet experts who work with children and families, and confront abuse on a daily basis. Many of these survivors and experts are also parents, themselves.

Why does it apply to me?

Child sexual abuse is likely the most prevalent health problem children face, with the most serious array of consequences. In fact, 1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday.

This means that whether you work with youth, are a parent, or are simply a member of a community, it is highly likely that someone you know and care for has experienced, or is currently experiencing, child sexual abuse. It’s going to happen whether you are prepared to deal with it or not – unless you stop it from happening. And the good news is, it can be stopped.

“Eye opening. Everyone near, around, or who sees children should have this training.”
– Law Enforcement Representative

Why would I want to make changes, even if I could?

What if we told you five simple steps can show you how to protect children of all ages from child sexual abuse? That a few simple actions can have far-reaching positive effects?

The 5 Steps to Protecting our Children™ can be used by families, communities, recreation facilities, faith centers, educational institutions, and a wide variety of other youth serving organizations to create safer environments for children. One person can create change in a community and together, a community can create new cultural norms that nurture children and protect them from child sexual abuse.

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