About Your Children's Advocacy Center

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County is a grass-roots, community organization where professionals investigating child abuse and providing treatment to young victims come together in an effort to help children and teens begin their healing journey.

Through redesigning the “system” with the special needs of children in mind, the Center has been able to reduce the trauma of abuse by providing coordinated support services for child abuse victims to begin the healing process.

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County was formed by the Jackson County Child Abuse Task Force, Inc. The Task Force was a group of caring professional and lay people recognizing that children need a holistic, specialized response from the community. They formed a private, non-profit, tax exempt organization in 1987, and with the help of local businesses, many civic organizations, schools, churches and countless individuals, they were able to open the doors of the Children’s Advocacy Center in 1991.

The Center was expanded to its present location in the historic Reames building in April of 1995. Since then, two major expansions have allowed the Center to meet the growing needs of Jackson County. Today, program support is provided by individuals, corporations, small businesses, government agencies, and private foundations.

Our Vision

Communities where children are safe and families are strong.

Our Mission

The mission of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County is to meet the needs of children and families in our community by providing a community-based, child-focused center that facilitates a compassionate, multidisciplinary approach to the prevention, treatment, identification, investigation, and prosecution of child abuse.

Our Team

The Children’s Advocacy Center is filled with professionals who are passionate about helping abused children heal, meet the staff at your Center.
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Meet the CAC board, comprised of esteemed members of our community, generously giving their time for the vision and mission of the Center.
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